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April 12, 2003 - Saturday

April 12, 2003 - Saturday

A little rainy and cool today.

At the apartment this morning I slept. I wanted to go for a walk, but unfortunately, I just didn't do it. I slept for a couple of hours, and it was only the thought of being late for work that made me get up!

I cooked breakfast, but not lunch. It was my usual, omelet and bacon, but it was good this morning.

I was a bit busy today, with 6 lessons. They seemed to go very well. One in particular I was a touch worried about, because of the subject matter, but actually it went quite well. Yay!

After work I finished up my paperwork quite quickly and waited for my husband to come and get me! He did quite soon and he took me to M's Dining for dinner. I really enjoyed it tonight. I was hungry, so I had big steak, salad, soup bar and drink bar. I was quite stuffed!

We came home and spent some time together before getting ready for bed. I watched Dharma and Greg and then I did this lovely computer stuff! Soon I'll be going to bed myself! Night night.

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