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Sailor Saturn's Emulation

I am Hotaru, also known as Sailor Saturn. I would like to welcome you to my Emulation page, and invite you to take what you see here. I only have a couple of ROMs at the moment and one Emulator, but rest assured, these files work! I have tested these files myself, and they all work beautifully. These files are zipped, so you'll need WinZip or a similar program to unzip them. [NOTE: Be sure to put your ROM files in the same folder as the Emulator so that you can find the games more easily!] So, what do I have here...

ZSNES Emutalor
*The Emulator required to run ROMs from the SFC system.
*Downloaded from ZSNES.Com.

BSSM: Another Story
*The only existing English translation of the game in ROM form...A fine example of what years of dedication and hard work can accomplish. This RPG follows the Sailor Senshi on an adventure which occurs when some really evil people begin to alter everyone's destiny...
*Downloaded from KatC's Sailormoon Goodies :: Jupiter Section.

Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon S (fighting)
*A fighting-type game where you battle against the other senshi to see who's the best of the best. The game is in Japanese, but links to tips can be found on KatC's page.
*Downloaded from KatC's Sailormoon Goodies :: Jupiter Section.

It is ILLEGAL to own these ROMs and the Emulator for more than 24 hours if you do not own the system and games already. These are simply for back-up purposes. We are not responsible for the possible misuse of these files.

|:mercury: venus: moon: mars: jupiter: saturn: uranus: neptune: pluto: home:|