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.: my world :.
My Virtual World!
Things to see here: Anime Editorial: Awards; Cubicle; Cynthia's Page; Email; Images; Japanese; Links; 'Moonies; My Homepage; Power of Pokémon; FF7; Updates; Win an Award.
Recent News/ Updates
Yes, it's true...
Why has this page been so
neglected lately? It's simple,
really. I have finished my
Tripod site, and I have decided
to stop updating this one!!
Never fear! The NEW site is basically
all that's here and MORE!
Well...I didn't move the FF7 section...
Top Pages
The Sailor Moon Experience
Seishin no Sekai
Awards I've Won XD
The Art Gallery
Need Anime? Look here...
Barnes & Noble
CS Site Stats
Last Updated: 07/27/00
Created on: 08/05/99
Images: 170
Midis: 95
Total Site Accounts: 7
Fanart: 13
A Brief Message...
Welcome, everyone!
Hi, everyone! I see that
you found my "little" site!
I hope that you enjoy the topics
I covered here. If you have
any reccomendations for this
site, please send them to me. Each
one will be seriously considered...
so tell me your *true* feelings ^.~V
Send me a message anytime =D

A Proud Member of ZFCI!.: cs :. [cynthia's sekai]

Link of the Month:
Newtype Magazine

My current mood:.: my mood :.
BeSeen Counter
My Other Sites
*The new version of CS*
AKN--my home site
The Art Gallery
The Archive
ZFCICC (old)
The Sailor Moon Experience
REALLY Kewl Sites
*Join the Napster Buycott!*
Support Napster by buying 
CD's from selected artists!
*Kaze no Uta!*
Song of the Wind- a great
place to find Anime midis
from nearly every title!
Sign/View Guestbookie!
Midi of da Month
Sailor Moon S Opening Theme
[July]Where I Belong
[June]Just Communication
[May]The Extreme

Property of Cynthia-sama, working under ZFCI; © 1999-2000
Please read our Disclaimer.