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You are listening to "Only Love" from Sailormoon

Sailor Mars!

Hiya! I'm Rei. It's my job to make sure everyone has a few pictures on this site, instead of just a lot of ONE CERTAIN PERSON. So, feel free to view these or post them on other pages. There will always be a lot of new pics to see, so visit me often. See you later!

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Profile on Sailor Mars

Name:Rei Hino(Raye in the NA dub
Birthday: April 17th
Astrological Sign: Aries
Blood Type: AB
Favorite Colors: red, black
Hobbies: fortune telling
Favorite Food: vegitarian pizza
Least Favorite Food: asparagus
Favorite Subject: ancient writing
Least Favorite Subject: modern society
Strong Points: meditation
Voice Done By: Tomizawa Michie(in the Japanese eps),Katie Griffin(in the NA dub)