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You are listening to "Rainy Day Man" from Sailor Moon

Sailor Jupiter!

This is Makoto the Lovely here, bringing you the coolest pics and gifs to use on your webpages! If you have been searching long and hard for them, this is the place for you! I am always looking for the best ones out there to post on this page, so visit often. Check with Luna for the sites I got these from. Later!
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Eternal Moon Power Transformation
Find the BEST animated gifs, backgrounds, and more here----->Lycentia's Sailor Points Of Crystal Tokyo
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Profile on Sailor Jupiter

Name:Makoto Kino (Lita in the NA dub)
Birthday: December 5th
Astrological Sign:Saggitarius
Blood Type: O
Favorite Colors: green
Hobbies: bargan-hunting, cooking
Favorite Food: Cherry pie, meatloaf
Least Favorite Food: none
Favorite Subject: Home Economics
Least Favorite Subject:Physics
Strong Points: cooking, powerfull, and strong fighter
Voice Done By: Shinohara Emi(in the Japanese eps),Susan Roman(in the NA dub)

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