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Amber the horse

Amber is a beautiful Quarterpony. She is 17 years old and 14.2 hands high. She is related to Mr. Ed. I've given her many nick names like: Berbe, Ambe, Baby, etc, etc...

Amber in April 2002

Amber really knows how to be a cutie pie. She has always been my very best friend (animalwise). I grew up with her and when I went though the I don't want to ride phase Amber was like a big dog. She is what is known as the backyard horse. There aren't many out there but my family has two. Amber was trained by my mother. However, I was the one that taught her to jump and play games like polo-cross and pony soccer.

Melynda and Amber go for a trial ride

There is a place called Empire Mine and it has lots of trails for horseback ridding. I have to say that I would much rather go ridding here then around my Dad's house any day. This picture was taken last summer which was the last time I rode with my parents. It was actualy the last time I went ridding too. Here let me show you the other two horses.

Dad on TeleTo the left you'll see My father on Tele. Tele is a Palimino Morgan and he is 21 years old. He is my mothers horse. Dad is on him because mom was annoyed at Dad for letting Kona walk so slow behind us.

KonaTo the right you'l see use giving Kona some treats. He is a Palimino Quarter Horse, and the same age as me which means that he is 20. The cool thing is Kona was born on April 15 which is just 5 days before me.
Now I had ridden all 3 of these horse in Pony Club. Amber and Tele have been to Camp and Kona got band for awhile since he had bucked me off during a Jumping class thing. It wasn't his fault I was yanking on his face and telling him to go over the jumps. The insturcter should have noticed that Kona had never been asked to jump before.

Melynda and Amber December 1998

See I love my Horse even if this is an old picture!

Water Jump
My last year in pony club I took amber to camp with me. This was our favorite jump in the whole place.

I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth. Ecclesiastes 10:7

About Me the Maker
Sassy the bunny
My Graphic Art
My Family
Some of My Friends
A Few Long Jokes
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