Ellen Pendleton

Instructions for living a life. Pay attention.
Be astonished. Tell about it.

~ Mary Oliver

Books by Ellen Pendleton


On this day I will stay mindful of how easy it can be to fall back into my people-pleasing mode. To help me move forward and avoid burnout, I will rely instead on my Higher Power and my sponsor to guide me.
~ www.adultchildren.org

| Read & Run | the C. diff book | Grandma Camping books | Eat Plants |
| Author Colin Fletcher | Hike National Parks | Hike Big Sur | Do you read books? | Earth Travels | World National Parks | The Invitation | Self Portraits | Death Valley | ep | How To Build Community | Las Vegas Photos | How To Cure A Narcissist | photos | Resources 4 Healing | Glorious Victorious | Once Upon the Now | Mel's Heart | Welcome to the Evolution | Solar Cooking/Baking |

World National Parks
"And once I had escaped the works of man
there was no more inhumanity."

~ Colin Fletcher, The Thousand-Mile Summer

Solar baking for camping, power outages, kitchen remodels, fun, . . . .

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