Clostridium difficile Infection and Fecal Microbiota Transplant
Fecal microbiota transplant is a novel approach to this complex problem, with an efficacy rate of nearly 90% in the setting of multiple recurrent CDI.
Penicillin-allergic patients may run bigger risk for MRSA and C.diff
Growing Antibiotic Use Leading to Drug-resistant Superbugs
Success: From Rock Bottom With Ulcerative Colitis to Pain-Free in One Year on a Plant-Based Diet
Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet 101
Novel Phage Therapy Saves Patient with Multidrug-Resistant Bacterial Infection
Intravenous viruses are used to target deadly bacterium; dramatic case suggests potential alternative to failing antibiotics
April 25, 2017
“To our knowledge, he is the first patient in the United States with an overwhelming, systemic infection to be treated with this approach using intravenous bacteriophages. From being in a coma near death, he’s recovered well enough to go back to work. . . .”
BRAVO!! Progress!!
However, the specific bacteriophage has not been successfully isolated for Clostridium difficile, . . . yet.
The Virus that Cures ~ BBC
CDC Warning About C. diff Superbug:
World News Videos | US News Videos
Clostridium difficile, CDI, CDAD, IBS, IBD, and colitis are serious and can be life-threatening.
Medical errors now third leading cause of death in the USA ~ Washington Post
Author, ellen pendleton, is not a doctor and does not have any medical education or training. She had Clostridium difficile and recovered fully, testing clean.
Stay well
CDC ~ Frequently Asked Questions about Clostridium difficile for Healthcare Providers
OH YEAH, . . . .
FDA Drug Safety Communication: FDA advises restricting fluoroquinolone antibiotic use for certain uncomplicated infections; warns about disabling side effects that can occur together ~ 16 July 2016
When I had C. diff, my instinctual go-to was a probiotic drink made by Kevita, the Cherry Blueberry flavor with mangosteen. It's now really hard to find.
Lychee/Saccharomyces boulardii to the rescue
C. diff sniffing dog
Black tea and C. diff
bezlotoxumab ~ U.S. panel backs approval for Merck infectious diarrhea drug
Let's follow this.
More than 100,000 hospital patients were infected in 2014 with C.diff., up about 4 percent from the year before, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Dr. Clokie Phage Interview
Metronidazole (Flagyl) ~ Due to its potential carcinogenic properties, metronidazole is banned in the European Union and the USA for veterinary use in the feed of animals and is banned for use in any food animals in the USA. ~ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metronidazole
Viruses Join Fight Against Harmful Bacteria
Black Raspberries and Ulcerative Colitis
Teen C. diff victim
Fecal Transplant Overprescribed?
Nontoxigenic Clostridium difficile for Prevention of Recurrent Infection
Notice the E. coli coupling in the freezer scene 1:52
JAMA article
Hand Washing Technique - WHO Approved
Summit Therapeutics Granted Key Patent for Novel Antibiotic SMT19969 for the Treatment of C. difficile Infection
New MALDI-TOF method identifies C. difficile outbreaks in 30 minutes
Clinical stage program targeting Clostridium difficile Infection, a devastating GI-tract infection with suboptimal therapies
4/19/15 - C. difficile doubles hospital readmission rates, lengths of stay
April 15, 2015 Hospital C. diff Outbreak
C. difficile outbreak declared at Alliston hospital
Ecolab Experts on Microbes - Clostridium difficile
Endoscopic Imaging of Clostridium diffìcile Colitis
C. diff Foundation VoiceAmerica Radio
Clostridium difficile infection in liver transplant recipients: a retrospective study of rates, risk factors and outcomes
Chronic Diarrhea After C difficile Eradication
Spore wars: C. difficile takes a staggering toll as top HAI
C. difficile Doubles Hospital Readmission Rates, Lengths of Stay
Complicated fecal microbiota transplantation in a tetraplegic patient with severe Clostridium difficile infection
National Law Review ~ When on Antibiotics in Nursing Home or Hospital Watch for Diarrhea – It Could Be C-Diff
Gut flora, autism and Clostridium difficile
Autism and the Microbiome: Will Fecal Transplants Be the Next “AWAKENINGS"?
This is promising:
AWESOME Goldshield1.com ~ An antimicrobial foam
This article is helpful except for the "foam up" part. Clostridium difficile is not affected by alcohol or antiseptic hand cleaners. Soap and water works:
Dodging superbugs: Doctors advise how not to get sicker in the hospital
Hospital Germ Horror: Clostridium difficile
Deadly bacteria outbreak inflames disinfection concerns
Nearly Half a Million Americans Suffered from Clostridium Difficile Infections in a Single Year
Report: California hospitals show progress preventing infections
Clostridium difficile Infections Are More Common In States With Fewer Hospitals Per Person
CDC ~ Healthcare-associated Infections (HAIs)~ Clostridium difficile Infection
The New England Journal of Medicine ~ Burden of Clostridium difficile Infection in the United States
Valley Hospital fights infection — by limiting antibiotics
These robots kill germs at Southern California hospitals
CDC Warning About CDIFF Superbug
World News Videos | US News Videos
The Battle Against the Deadly 'Superbug'
World News Videos | US News Videos
Fábregas: Think twice about antibiotics — they enable killer superbug
Clostridium difficile infection: risk with broad-spectrum antibiotics
Treatment of C. Difficile — Follow the Guidelines
“We can’t say they died of CDI, just that they had CDI
and also died in the hospital,” Dr. Khanna noted.
Officials are investigating how a deadly type of bacteria was released from a high-security laboratory at the Tulane National Primate Center in Louisiana. Officials say there is no risk to the public
The Trigger That Turns C. difficile Into A Killer
Induction of toxins in Clostridium difficile is associated with dramatic changes of its metabolism
Burden of Clostridium Infection in the United States
Health Officials Discuss C-difficile Persistence
Masking autoprocessing of Clostridium difficile toxin A by the C-terminus combined repetitive oligo peptides
Posts Tagged ‘C. difficile’ Diarrheas –bacterial and nonbacterial
Is Clostridium difficile Infection (CDI) an Increasingly Common Severe Disease in Adult Intensive Care Units? A 10-Year Experience
The gut flora: You and your 100 trillion friends: Jeroen Raes at TEDxBrussels
Éclosion de C. difficile à l'hôpital du Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins
Excellent video:
Emma Allen-Vercoe, PhD (2014) The gut microbiota and why it is important in ASD
Harmful bacteria possibly spreading through Amarillo
CDC Investigates Link of Deadly Bacteria to Doctors’ ClinicsOffices
CDC: 29,000 die annually from microbial super bug C. difficile
Wash your hands to prevent catching this deadly bacteria
Curb Overuse of Antibiotics to Reduce Drug-Resistant Superbug
Deadly Stomach Bug Infects About Half a Million in U.S. Each Year, Study Shows
‘Super Bug’ causes alarm in the U.S.
LA Times Deadly diarrhea disease C. difficile infects almost 500,000 in U.S. each year
CDC Says Deadly C. Difficile Bug May Be Transmitted Through Doctors' And Dentists' Offices
Increasing Burden of Clostridium difficile infection in the United States
Deadly 'Suberbug' C.Difficile Could Be Waiting In Your Doctor's Office: It's Time We Pay Closer Attention To Our Antibiotics
Vancouver General is going to the dogs in C. difficile pilot project
CDC investigates deadly bacteria's link to doctors' offices
MDH: Toll of one bacterial infection type greater than reported; antibiotic overuse played a role
Nasty Stomach Bug Becoming Far More Common
CDC studying why a deadly bacteria is being found in more doctor's offices
London Letter: Clinic pioneers treatment for gut illness
News of the day from across the nation, Feb. 27
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