Pre-Chapter: Chris is A known redneck, not to be fooled wit, Joe, is an idiot who hates Latin music, this story starts as Chris and Joe try to rangle up a pig...many things happen after...

Chapter 1:Chris turned to face Joe...Joe knew what was about to happen, he wasn't afraid...suddenly Chris jumped into the air and landed on the pig. The pig screamed with horror with these words "GET OFF ME YA BIG BOBSLED EATER!" Surprised by the pigs words Joe decided to go eat a cheese sandwich. With the sandwich on his mind Joe realized that he smelled Something fishy...HE WAS EATING SALMON! Joe Fell to the floor and died.. Chris walked in with the pig in his ear screaming "THE LATIN ARE COMING THE LATIN ARE COMING" just the Ricky martin Burst into the door......

Chapter 2:Ricky walked into the room, slowly followed by Enrique. Chris backed away and Ricky Blew a god awful fart instantly killing Chris and the pig in his ear. Joe was slowly coming back to life when Enrique started signing, Joe took a handgun to his head and killed himself. Enrique then started to lick the kitchen Table while Ricky ate some forks. Billy (Chris' friend) walked in the front door yelling "MOMMY MOMMY LICK THE RAILING" He began looking for Chris and walked into the kitchen, he then saw Ricky, who was trying to get his head into a ice cube tray, and enrique who was Itching histaricly and yelling "I NEED ADVANTAGE" and then saying "DA GOOSE IS LOOSE!" , Billy then new..something was up..

Chapter 3: Billy Turned Towards Ricky and knew he had to do something so he walked up to him and said "KOOOOOOOLLL--AAAIIIIDDD" Suddenly The Giant Red pitcher of Kool-aid came bursting through the wall, (Everyone knows Latinos are afraid of the kool-aid man) And Rick and Enrique Tried to run, but soon the Kool-aid man caught them, and ate them. Billy, knowing the kool-aid man was dangerous, Bit his ear. Then A bat came from the light and ate the kool-aid man. Then Without warning Billy threw himself towards the sink splashing soapy water all over. Billy screamed hystaricly "MY MOTHER MAKES ME EAT FLYING WALRUS", The town heard this call and they new what it meant, everybody hurried to see where it was coming from before it was too late....

Chapter 4: The people rushed to the house and opened the door, the entire population of the town was there (54)They opened the door to find that they were too late...Billy had aten the faucet and was on the floor dead. The Town , filled with sorrow, Did the towns tradition, and hit billy with piniatas. Then A man from the crowd yelled out "ONCE I WAS THE KING OF SPAIN!" and another woman replied "DRUNK A$$ DAD!" And a brawl broke out with the townspeople, they slashed eachothers toenails and ate their hair with such fury. When Billy came to life and thats when he screamed "SHGVY THJEYS JDHGF HUYOP"(He Has a faucet in his mouth , what he said no one knows) Then a woman hit him in the head with her poodle and That’s when he came in , and he wasn’t happy....

Chapter 5: Ed was furious, he didnt like people talking about faucets.(He had a bad breakup with his girlfriend when she was having an affair with his faucet). The Townspeople left ,but Billy wasn’t so lucky, with the faucet in his mouth Ed came up to him and he said “Gochluctin Goshlacra!”(Germen for “Cookin popcorn?”) Billy Got up and ran and was aten by runby Flamingo. Ed then jumped at the site of this and yelled “FOR GODS SAKE GET THE PLUNGER!”. Just Then Former President Clinton walked in and he said “My wifes outta town can i borrow yours” The flamingo ate him as well. Ed became nervouse, a flamingo was a sign of death, so he did the killer flamingo call “TUNG BE LA WILLYWONKA?” Then Ed ran without a trace. Something appeared in the sky...IT WAS NONE OTHER THAN AUNT JAMIMA! syrup was poured all over the town and everyone screamed “WHERES THE BEEF?” and ran all over looking for help....would they find any?

Chapter 6: Aunt Jamima Landed in the middle of the syrup covered street and yelled “FEEL THE BURN”. She farted and fried the entire town and they turned into walking talking French toast sticks, everybody exept the Flamingo! The Flamingo farted and out Came Bill Clinton and Billy (Still with the faucet in his mouth). They looked around and were confused billy looked and Mr Clinton and said “GUDYYFG DHST JKKD”(stupid faucet..) Bill Clinton looked at him and he said “I did not have sexual relations with that Flamingo” Billy ran up to The Flamingo and jumped on its back and they ran through the syrup covered streets, billy wasnt paying attention, he was watching his French toast stick father when he hit a pole! The Faucet flew out of his mouth and into Aunt Jemima..into her syrup bottle body. She screamed with horror “WHO HAS DARES CONTAMINATE MY SYRUP!” Billy yelled back “BEHOLD MY BEHIND!” HE then took the Flamingo and with super strength and he picked it up and....

Chapter 7: Billy , holding the flamingo in the air showing his super stength, ate the Flamingo. Instantly Billy turned into a chicken, Billy knowing his time was short went up to aunt jamima and started pecking at her, she screamed “NO IM MELTING! NOT MY GUMDROP BUTTONS!” She melted down to nothing, but she didn’t stop torturing them, the acid punk rock band N*Sync arose to the streets. Thats when Cassieo appeared. she screamed at N*Sync with such furiousity! She screamed “ES TU POLLO FRIO?” And Cassieo took a running charge towards the band, she ran up next to them and without warning blew the most rancid fart ever let out by anyone! Joey and Lance couldn’t take the smell..They passed out and drown in the syrup. Chris and Jc took a run for it and ended up running up to Billy (Now a chicken) Who was 50 times the normal size of a chicken, he had an allergic Chicken reaction to the syrup. Billy the chicken chased after Chris and Jc they didnt make it too far...Billy picked up Chris with his beak and shoved him in his armpit and gave him the fatal chicken nuggy, that was the last Chris was seen. JC standing in awe of what he just saw , picked a wedgie. Billy gave JC a fatal corndog and that took care of him. Now of course none other than Justin was left, with Cassieo blowing Rancid farts left and right. Justin Timberlake, the biggest pansy around didnt know what to do, so did his pansy ways and he yelled “BRITNEY!!!” Britney tried to run up to him but she didn’t quite make it.....

Chapter 8: Kaya swooped down and lands next to Justin and looks at him, Justin looks at Kaya with horror, Justin says "What do you want with me?" Kaya replies with "PEEK-A-BOO" and bites off Justin’s arm, repeats "PEEK-A-BOO" again taking off a leg, this process being repeated until nothing was left. Kaya then flew away, still to this day not thanked for the favor. Britney was the squashed by HUNGRY JACK falling to the ground, Just finishing his affair with Mrs. Butterworth , not happy about his wife being killed Jack was on a rampage! He tore through the town killing the Gigantic Chicken which was now laying in the street. But Jack didnt have long, the McManus gang got word of what was happening and they knew they didn’t want anyone messing with their town. The leader of the McManus gang of course was Sean. Sean was a bulky tuff west side member of the McManus gang. Sean walked up to Hungry Jack who was twice his size and sean yelled to him “ME AND MY BROTHER MILKSHAKE GONNA GET YOU!” Sean Exclaimed. Hungry Jack turned around but tripped over the dead gigantic chicken and did a face plant. Instantly the McManus Gang trampled hungry jack leaving nothing left but some of his blueberry filling. That was the only glory sean and the McManus gang would see for a while though, for Kaya came back and with one final “PEEK-A-BOO” The McManus gang was headless and Kaya was full. Mr. Kufel could then be seen coming down the street, a compass in one hand and a protractor in the other, he screamed “WHAT IS THE ANGLE OF POINT PLAAAHHHH!?” Then Mr Whipple came bursting out from behind a bush and said “GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY!” A duel broke out between the two..with only one way to end.....FIND OUT WHO WINS IN CHAPTER 9!

Chapter 9: Mr. Kufel, with Anger inside him, pulled out his wand, Mr. Whipple did the same. The both Pointed wands towards eachother and Mr Kufel yelled “YELLOWDUCKGINOU!” And Mr Whipple didnt have enough time instantly he was turned into a duck waddleing around helplessly. Mr Kufel walked up to Mr whipple (Now a duck) and he picked him up and said “That is the angel of point PAAHHHH” And threw him into a pile of syrup. Suddenly Mr Kufel was being Pelted with Erasers! He turned and couldnt find where it was coming from. And then it stopped, and the dust cleared up, and he realized he was in trouble, in from of him were the village idiots, Peter and Brad. Peter summoned Kaya to his shoulder and she perched there, still with an angry look towards Mr Kufel. Brad pulled out his secret weapon he calls the “Tina” and set it standing on the ground, the Tina looked furious and Mr kufel knew he was in trouble. Suddenly peter set Kaya Loose and Brad let Tina loose, they both went straight towards Kufel...what will he do? FIND OUT IN CHAPTER 10!

Chapter 10: Mr. Kufel, not knowing what to do stood there in shock. The Tina ran up and started biteing his ankles and moving on to his fingers, while Kaya Was plucking hair off of his head, strand by strand. Mr Kufel screamed “WOA WOA WAO! LETS KEEP IT CLEAN!” And Peter and Brad pulled The tina and Kaya off of the now bald and Bleeding Mr Kufel and decided to make him a deal they said in unision “We want to buy a chicken from your girlfriend. free of charge, then we want a big mac” Mr Kufel came back with their needs and that put him on their side, they worked out a plan “We need to go on a journey” peter explained. “A Journey to a land where these things don’t happen, where Killer breakfast products dont exist.” Brad went on to say “We have gotten word that this journey is long and hard, and it wont be easy”. Mr Kufel accepted to go on this journey, and the three of them and Kaya and the Tina walked down a trail towards a long journey.....FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT IN CHAPTER 11!

Chapter 11: So Mr. Kufel, Peter and brad journeyed through the great forest of Nylon and they were going fine when they heard something scream “IN A NUTSHELL!” they all knew what it was, in 2 seconds Mr. Lynch was standing in the middle of the trail! Mr.Lynch charged towards them, but the Tina got loose and Cannibalised Mr Lynch. Then the trail was going great untill they heard yet again another sound, they could hear in the distance “DO YOU KNOW THE MUFFIN MAN!” Mr Kufel replied “WATCHU TALKIN BOU FOO?” Then out came none other than THE MUFFIN MAN! He shot a fatal blueberry at them, which had it hit them it would have killed them all, but Kaya, with her loyalty and nobility towards peter dived in front of them and scraficed herself, the blueberry instantly killed her, but the rest of them were fine. Brad let Tina go, and with such furry for the death of Kaya, the Tina Dove on the muffin man Rampaging it appart like a 5 year old at a wrapped christmas presant. The muffin man was no longer a problem. Peter got on his hands and knees and broke down. He picked up the limp body of Kaya and screamed “HAKUNA MATTATA!” And he was suddenly happy and fine again. Peter burried Kaya and they moved on towards the long journey ahead. Brad contained Tina as they moved on....FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT IN THE FINAL CHAPTER! CHAPTER 12!!

CHAPTER 12: So they moved on Seeking a land with no gigantic chickens, no latin singers, no killer breakfast foods. A land where people dont eat people, where pig rangling wasn’t an official sport. Where all families lived in peace and did normal human things. Brad smelled the fresh forest air and exclaimed “MY LOVE FOR YOU IS LIKE DIAREHAH, I JUST CANT HOLD IT IN!” Peter freaked out and went to run away and ran straight into a tree, surprised by these quick events Mr. Kufel Looked up and said “SEAGULL POOP!” And that woke Peter up. Brad told Peter “I was talking to the Tina” and Peter said “ I eat humble pie.” As their journey continued they learned important things about eachother, like the fact that Peter had bad gas, That Brad was a former Killed x Convict, and that Mr. Kufel was pregnant. Just then they all stopped and stood in awe. They had finally made it. Brad read aloud the sign “WELCOME TO THE LAND OF HUYOP!” and in very small print No killer breakfast foods or Latin singers aloud! they had finally made it. And thats how the story ends. Happily ever after.

POST CHAPTER: Mr Kufel became a Math Teacher

Brad became a 14 year old kid in school

Same with Peter and Tina

Kaya was reborn and rebought by Peter, and still to this day says “PEEK-A-BOO” but much less harfully. They were all brainwashed and do not remeber any of this story happening...but it is real as the toes on your head