Chapter 1: Adam and John slowly crept from their shelter, and began to bark. Slowly the town emerged as the “All Clear” sounded. This was now a common practice for the town of Huyop. For 3 months now, the land of Huyop has been getting attacked by killer lunchmeat and other lunch foods, only 50 times their normal size. Today mustard bombs, yesterday Ketchup, no on is sure how Huyop will every make it. Adam Bock and John Hornberger, along with PJ Hughes were innocently playing a harmless game of butcher the pig when PJ was directly hit with a mustard bomb, John and Adam made it to shelter, but no body is sure about poor innocent (or not) PJ.

Chapter 2: John began to worry and asked Adam “Have you ever seen a cow and a whale?” Adam replied with “Gang mills Williamsport 1/2 mile!”. Everyone was in a frenzy of reunion and claiming destroyed belongings. John has only lost one thing, but soon he found them and yelled “NOT MY GUMDROP BUTTONS!” Just then Johns pet Syrup came running, her name was baby Jamima, she waiting diligently by Johns side while he screamed again “NOT MY GUMDROP BUTTONS!”. Adam began to look for PJ, he called the familiar Huyop rescue call: “MY MOTHER MAKES ME EAT FLYING WALRUS!” Adam then listened for a response, yet heard nothing. Soon the rest of the town began to join in the search. But truth be told, PJ was later found swimming in a gigantic can of Grandma Browns Baked Beans, go figure.

Chapter 3: So with PJ found, there was only one thing left to do, Huyop needed to be saved, and fast. So that day the town got together. One man stood up and said “But I don't ride the bus!” Another man shot back with “HOW DO YOU KNOW!” But then a man stood up, his name was Bobby Ice, and he said “We shall thus taken thee road thus not traveled by.” Bobby meant of course, that they shall fight back against the lunch foods. The town decided to gather together their breakfast foods, they only had 2, a waffle package names Full Jack, and Baby Jamima was taken away from John for her training. John would not see Baby Jamima again, not for a very long time, in fact months passed, with Bologna bombing, cheese bombings, followed by turkey, Roast beef, and lettuce. But the worst, most evil Lunch food had yet to come...

Chapter 4: The alarm sounded and the town did the usual procedure, getting deep into their shelters. No one knew it was coming, nor did they expect it (duh!). The town fell into the shadow of none other than I gigantic BLT! This was not an air raid, but a ground strike! Tiny little BLTs ran around wreaking havoc on the town. Realizing the fate of the town was at stake, the measures were taken and the un-national guard released their hardest fighters, grown baby Jamima now called Aunt Jamima and grown Full Jack now known as Hungry Jack! But their training was not complete and they hadn’t been trained kindness, but only furiousity and attack, so once released, and once they had saved the town, they must be killed, but only after they took care of the killer BLTs!

Chapter 5: So the Uthenizing guns were loaded and Aunt Jamima and Hungry Jack were released and after being in captivity for so long and never being able to fight, they charged out and when John saw this through his shelter he began to fart, knowing he wouldn’t be getting his pet breakfast food back. Aunt Jamima and Hungry Jack both charged and they screamed out the final words the town would hear them say, they shouted out “Goshluctin Goshloctrum!” They ran through the town, together rampaging the BLTs Bacon strip by Bacon strip, they succeeded in killing all the killer BLTs and the town licked unions with Joy! The un-national guard then went out to do their duty to kill the seemingly hero, yet so dangerous breakfast foods. The command went up “Ready! Aim! F-..” just then there was a gigantic flash!



Chapter 6: Within a second the flash was gone, and so were Aunt Jamima and Hungry Jack! The town never found out exactly where they went, to this day, no one knows. Adam then realized that without the protection of the breakfast foods that the town was extremely vulnerable! Adam then jumped to his death from the top of the barn (Fell into cannibal chicken pen, oh well!) PJ and John then became Amish! John said to PJ, “Oye father!” and Pj said “Alas, bugertoast!” John said “But Pa! I don’ wanna pick no mo’ corn!” Pj picked his nose with disgrace, (Picking of the nose is a Huyop sign of disapproval) Huyop still needed a way to get out of danger, it would be tough, but with a little effort and hope, it was possible that it could be done.

Chapter 7: PJ and John realized that being Amish just wasn't their style. Late one night John hers a KERCLUMP! on his roof! Then footsteps could be heard coming seemingly closer to his bedroom, John sat in his bed shaking with fear, when suddenly the door opened , and in walked Aunt Jamima! There was a great reunion and farts were exchanged. John then came to reality, he knew if Jamima was seen they would kill her! He saw that Aunt Jamima had brought her new Husband, Hungry Jack with her, John quickly hid them in his underwear and walked smoothly to the border of Huyop, through a large forest, then to a small town he came upon, John placed them there and said “Live in the skies, and in many years, when you are plenty strong, attack this town, when you have won and the town is yours, you shall harbor all endangered foods, Jamima and Jack agreed and disappeared into the sky. John walked home waving his last goodbyes at Jack and Jamima as he knew, that he would never see them again, he whipped the tears from his ears and made his journey home.

Chapter 8: Pj woke up to a loud buzzing, he tried to open his eyes but when he did he still saw nothing and only heard the buzzing, he tried to scream but got a mouthful of something he realized was on top of him, John slowly rised from Pjs face and said “HOW ABOUT THEM BILLS!” The town had yet another meeting, because the town still needed saving. One man at the meeting said “I own a pink flamingo!” the town officials broke their arms with joy! A flamingo was just what the town needed! The man was ordered to bring the flamingo to the un-national guard the next morning for training. Pj and John heard the news and slapped chicken breasts into their bedposts as signs of affection towards seafood made of crabs! The training would be much MUCH more different this time then it ever had been before.

Chapter 9: Flamingos are full of potential! Especially this one! This Flamingo was trained to eat anything and everything on command! It was trained to be ridden as well, yet was very easily distracted and amazed by poles from some reason and ran into them whenever not controlled and given the chance. The Flamingo was trained to attack at the final battle, there would be one final battle between the lunch foods and a new enemy, Male Latin singers, calling themselves the Latin “Boom”. 2 singers had gotten away from the battle and haven't been seen, named Enrique and Ricky, but they should get their payback someday, but the leader of these Latin freaks was Marc Antony, who was scheduled to fight in the Huyop battle. So Huyop started a draft and drafted, well they drafted the entire town, but the training began, and Pj and John were on the toilet preparing for war, after John found more toilet tissue, they began to wipe....

Chapter 10: John couldn’t take the heat from the training, but he knew he had to do it, he knew he had to do it for Huyop! While doing pushups PJ said “John what i was thinking is we could go to Mt. Morris and eat some fried dough!” John decided that the frog toad slicers would just be too much and they turned the idea down. Meanwhile the flamingo was trained to eat frogs, bushes, almost anything it came across. The battle would be soon, the was was coming every so smurckley. The battle was reported as perhaps being “Bootylicous” or “Boombastic”. The town was now ready for battle, all training was complete. They now had 1 day to do as they pleases, a say to spend before they had to truly prepare for battle, they all needed acupuncture of course, which is why people today eat penguins!

Chapter 11:So John and Pj spent their final day climbing apples stems. They screamed with joy “Apple stems, Apple stems, in a bush, cut them open and toad guts gush.....” (To the tune of Bubblegum) John slapped Pj’s foot and said “You look like a toad with ears on his knees!” Pj Replied with a “Humph!”. They ran through the corn field playing Crap on the cornstalks all day long. When that got old they went to the dog pound and applied for a room, sadly they were rejected, something about not meeting the requirements. They were taking a swim in the sewer when they heard it, the lunchmeat was planning a surprise attack on Huyop for earlier the next morning! They quickly informed the un-national guard!


Chapter 12: The un-national guard prepared the towns army all night, and the next morning the attack commended. The alarm sounded and more BLT’s came in, followed by armys of Bread, bananas, strawberries, slugs, and many more (Slugs are a Chinese lunch delicacy!) The Huyop army was ordered to charge forward with plastic forks and knives! John and Pj were in the front like, Pj screamed with horror! John asked “What!!?” and Pj said “I can’t get it out of the wrapper!” They charged through with out worry taking down breads, meat, and all of the other vicious foods with no problems, but the giant slugs were all that was left and they couldn't penetrate them with the plastic! John yelled out “EVERYBODY BACK!” John whipped out a huge gun and began to shoot! The mammoth gun was shooting out tons of pure road salt! The slugs shrieked with pain and swelled to enormous sizes and died, but out ran more tiny BLT’s from inside the slugs as a last charge, that was when the flamingo was let loose! It ate all the tiny BLT’s, one final and very fatal thing was left, a tiny BLT shot a gigantic fatal mayo ball at the army! Pj knew what he had to do, he ran out and dived into the mayo ball, sacrificing himself, the town of Huyop had won! the flamingo ate the remaining BLT and ran away! (The flamingo was told by John to go directly to Jamima, she would know what to do from there!) The town would be forever safe, for they had defeated the enemy!