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Friday, 25 July 2003


Russell's working in the UK, again so I got to go eat with him, at a funny Italian place in Store Street - hurrah!

Last time but one I saw JATB i ended up eating offal (pig's trotters and snouts) at a Brazilian restaurant in Hornsey, and last time I saw Russell, I ended up eating pork belly (a mere 4 inches of jelly on that belly) in Smithfield Meat Market.
Both rather worryingly offal-related trends. Despite the gorgeous spam sandwich I had yesterday, tonight I stuck to salad, but it didn't remove the compulsion to eat animals' lips sauteed in tripe.

This page graced by sarsparilla at 12:11 AM BST
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Thursday, 24 July 2003

out of touch

Apparently, being out of touch is no longer an insult, as it's now so difficult to maintain out of touchness that it becomes a distinct lifestyle choice. You'd have to deliberately go hunt grizzlies in the Eskimo wastes to achieve it. Should make all the 40-somethings in the world a bit happier, then.

The DH is writing an editorial, so I can't get onto my normal pc/ISP, so can't read any e-mail. Humph. Will have to sit at the by-now boiling hot laptop, fartling about on freeserve dial-up instead, for even longer.
5pm! Time to get dressed.

This page graced by sarsparilla at 4:51 PM BST
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My Head Doesn't Hurt

What Happened on my Birthday:
DH gave me an envelope containing vouchers for a nail-job, a foot-job and a head-job. Briefly wondered if this were a rather personal insult, then recalled insisting yesterday that these would prove good presents, and thanked graciously, etc. Nice idea, and I know she's short of cash, since I spent #900 on her prezzie (flight to Oz, next Thursday! oo-er). She then retired to bed, to puke into a bucket.
One look at my stubby talons and worse feet, and I rang the nail peeps and rescheduled the 'pointment for next week (wa-hey! another fun-filled week, heh). But decided to turn up for the haircut, at the most expensive salon in the area, as it was sheduled for a more reasonable hour - the crack of 4pm.
Decided not to wash hair before going, in order not to over-process it, or whatever some wanky hairstylist once told me ... possibly a mistake, judging from the uber-cool stylists' opening words: "blimey! is it raining out?!"
Anyway, one perfectly respectable haircut later (snips the story of the marine orchestrating his filipino girlfriend's haircut next to me, as I'd find it hard to do the accents in text), they demand fifty knicker off of me. I protested loudly that this is free ... we check the till, I demand they check the week's receipts, we drag the manager from a nearby caff ... glorious hoo-ha ensues ... it's on the tip of my tongue to yell "it's a bloody birthday present, of course it was paid for! What kind of a fool would give me an APPOINTMENT for my birthday?!"
Thank christ I didn't. Got home several hairs and fifty knicker lighter, to find that not only was it not part of my present, but never will be. Eeeek!
I suppose the one up-side is that if I were in my 20s, I'd never have gotten away with making such a Hyacinth Bucket in public. They all tolerated my hissy fit very normally, as if to say OF COURSE this is what 33 year olds do in public places. Next week: I practise "I'm afraid you'll find I'm too old to change now"....
Postscript: have dug out DH's permission to tell you this!
Quote of the Day: "a man for pleasure, a woman for children, and a melon for ecstasy"
FBB4: Forgot to post two entries, and it's pretty clear that I'm not winning... argh! Ends this Friday.

This page graced by sarsparilla at 2:19 PM BST
Updated: Thursday, 24 July 2003 3:56 PM BST
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{Robin Askwith}

Farkin Staffed Meself, Didn' I?

{/Robin Askwith}

Spent the evening of the 22nd drinking copious quantities of champagne (the original plan had been to get pissed at 10am, but DH puking with a migraine and the need to be vaguely sober for a 4pm scissor-attack had delayed this - that and the fact that I get up at one in the afternoon these days).

I can appreciate the egregious wrongs that have been perpetrated over time in the name of "a really good time", but the 23rd was the day for lunch with the glorious JATB. I decided to be late, so I could spend 30 minutes sitting in Limehouse Lidl's car park, staring at the pikeys first. It's an unpleasant hobby, but it's better I take the strain, so you don't have to.
DH came with me to meet JATB at Somerset House, and we worked out her boss was away for the afternoon, so we were free to do a four hour drunken lunch -- WA-HEYY!
This meant we could jump in a cab to Cornhill, where a few dodgy turns down dodgy alleys lead you to my favourite lunch spot in the universe, the George and Vulture. It's such a cool place to lunch that JATB and I spent the first ten minutes just giggling at the naughtiness of it all. It's where Dickens wrote the Pickwick Papers, is very old and panelled, and full of City boys who do four hour boozy lunches. The real appeal is the food, though - there's little choice, as it's all entirely public school dinners, in huuuuuuuuuuuuuge portions. It takes hours and much stomach to get through it all, you emerge extremely drunk, and then most of the clientele go back out to work. Sigh. Ideal lifestyle.
Afterwards, we walked drunkenly down through the City to the wobbly bridge, and JATB tottered back off to her workplace, and I got a riverbus with the DH. I don't remember a lot after that, [I do recall someone whom I don't have permission to name shrieking "ere! I wet meself" in a

Tuesday, 22 July 2003

You Mus' Respec' Mah Buthdah!

Was up late last night (ooh, what a surprise) watching movies ..... current movie watchage this week scored below:

The Life of David Gale ... Was recommended on futb by Granulated, but turned out to be a shoddy copy of Se7en, mistitled. (bloody Kazaa nobs!) Scariest thing, I recognised the movie purely from the opening shot of Morgan Freeman folding a jacket on a bed. Oo-er, too many viewings for mental health, methinks.
Rabbit-Proof Fence ... Very worthy aboriginal drama, but a touch too BBC2 for moi. The normally appalling Branagh was effective in it, however. (Unusual to see some real acting in a movie these days. I watched ten minutes of Eastenders yesterday, and some bit part actor was gobsmacking his fellow cast members by actually appearing to act.)
Firefly ... okay, it's a series, but I finally watched a dodgy downloaded copy of 'Trash', one of the episodes unaired in the US showing, scrapped when the series was canned. The picture quality was so skanky that I had to watch it at half the screen size, but it was a great episode, featuring the previous 'Our Mrs Reynolds' villainness (Saffron; not a patch on Servilan, but improving).
Only marginally spoiled by Sid later pointing out it had been aired on the UK Sci-Fi channel earlier that evening. Gah! No 'special' points for me, then.

Currently downloading: Solaris (because Mr Clooney is my hero), The Sum of All Fears (in mentallist apology to Mr Freeman), Sweet Home alabama (christ knows why, I hate that woman.)

It's my birthday! More on this later....

This page graced by sarsparilla at 2:47 PM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 22 July 2003 8:49 PM BST
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Monday, 21 July 2003

Sunday Night / Monday Morning


Stayed up all night trying to fix the galleries on my website, after DH pointed out that photos weren't very private if they were plastered all over an /images/ directory.
Might also prevent Certain Anonymous Individuals from auto-linking to particularly hideous pics of my feet on his blog. (hehe/tsk)
Still, the cats kept me company....
Obsessive tendencies? Moi?

This page graced by sarsparilla at 5:13 AM BST
Updated: Monday, 21 July 2003 2:59 PM BST
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Sunday, 20 July 2003

Sunday Sunday

Hot day and nothing to do, as I lent new digi-camera to DH to take piccies of Oscar while visiting there. [Oscar's namesake is a poet. bizarre!]

So I spent all day setting up Popfile, email filters, after L'animal recommended it several years ago (for some reason, L'animal always recommends things that are so interesting or useful that I always file them to do properly at a later date, then forget about, having precious few open-ended later dates to spread about in the year; then I s'pose I always look like an ingrate who ignores good advice. Ah, bleh). Anyway, it took all day to create a gazillion squillion in box rules, then Looby pointed out it would have been easier to send all my mail to either the spam box or the inbox. DUH!

Also spent the day ignoring pointedly another ten insults on fuktvbb. Hmmm, seems like my popularity there knows no bounds. :D
Was a relief that the initial one was only from someone I had indeed pointedly been rude to lately (owing to the fact that she's weird - perfectly acceptable all week, then turns into a raging drunken lunatic of a weekend - typical poster to the depression groups, if you ask me), and all the rest are from crap sock puppets who've expressed their animosity years before, under different names. Interesting technique, though to add to the trolling 101 style sheet... never give out personal information, and always reflect others' personal details back to them in a negative fashion. Seems to indicate a lack of confidence in the posters' selves to be so secretive online(as do most of the posts in futb, tbh... See above comment about depression newsgroups). Oh well, at least I give them some entertainment.

On the more positive fuktvbb front, yidaho sounded like she had a great party yesterday, if the voicemail dominated by shouting and Las Ketchup was anything to go by... If I hadn't been shattered from wine and driving around playing with my new camera (and disturbed that the Poison Dwarf might turn up), I'd have gone along.

It's my birthday on Tuesday!

Still haven't worked out how I can persuade people to help me pay off the present that I accidentally went and bought for myself (digi-cam - see pics)

Lunch with JATB on Wednesday - hurrah!
My week pans out as Monday: Work, Tuesday: birthday, Wednesday: food and gossip, Thursday: more work, Friday: DH's birthday, Saturday: some pride march or other. Still need hordes of sleep after a difficult term, but this means I can variegate it with other activities.

CNPS: 16

FBB4: losing badly! :?)

Sleep: got loads, yum!

Food: musssshhhhhh rooooommmmm sooouuuupppp today!

Check me stats...

This page graced by sarsparilla at 8:06 PM BST
Updated: Monday, 21 July 2003 5:34 AM BST
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