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Thursday, 24 July 2003

out of touch

Apparently, being out of touch is no longer an insult, as it's now so difficult to maintain out of touchness that it becomes a distinct lifestyle choice. You'd have to deliberately go hunt grizzlies in the Eskimo wastes to achieve it. Should make all the 40-somethings in the world a bit happier, then.

The DH is writing an editorial, so I can't get onto my normal pc/ISP, so can't read any e-mail. Humph. Will have to sit at the by-now boiling hot laptop, fartling about on freeserve dial-up instead, for even longer.
5pm! Time to get dressed.

This page graced by sarsparilla at 4:51 PM BST
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Thursday, 24 July 2003 - 11:23 PM BST

Name: Alex Buell
Home Page:

What's a "DH"?

Thursday, 24 July 2003 - 11:25 PM BST

Name: Alex Buell
Home Page:

5pm?!?!? You utter, utter, utter @#%$!! Summat's up with the comments stuff, it seems to forget my name, homepage and email every time I make a post. What gives? Never mind. I'm pissed as a newt.

Thursday, 24 July 2003 - 11:27 PM BST

Name: vjc

It's all a free comments thingumah, what is different, like, to your entirely self-scripted, techie site, so it does what it does, and I don't ask no questions, bit like Bernard Bresslaw's sex change, really.

I take heart that my comments boxes work better than Cliff's do... ;?P

Friday, 25 July 2003 - 6:21 AM BST

Name: Alex Buell

Yes, it works very, very well.

Sunday, 27 July 2003 - 7:05 PM BST


But what on earth is a "DH"?

Tuesday, 5 August 2003 - 3:30 PM BST

Name: vjc

Dearest Heart.

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