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Sunday, 20 July 2003

Sunday Sunday

Hot day and nothing to do, as I lent new digi-camera to DH to take piccies of Oscar while visiting there. [Oscar's namesake is a poet. bizarre!]

So I spent all day setting up Popfile, email filters, after L'animal recommended it several years ago (for some reason, L'animal always recommends things that are so interesting or useful that I always file them to do properly at a later date, then forget about, having precious few open-ended later dates to spread about in the year; then I s'pose I always look like an ingrate who ignores good advice. Ah, bleh). Anyway, it took all day to create a gazillion squillion in box rules, then Looby pointed out it would have been easier to send all my mail to either the spam box or the inbox. DUH!

Also spent the day ignoring pointedly another ten insults on fuktvbb. Hmmm, seems like my popularity there knows no bounds. :D
Was a relief that the initial one was only from someone I had indeed pointedly been rude to lately (owing to the fact that she's weird - perfectly acceptable all week, then turns into a raging drunken lunatic of a weekend - typical poster to the depression groups, if you ask me), and all the rest are from crap sock puppets who've expressed their animosity years before, under different names. Interesting technique, though to add to the trolling 101 style sheet... never give out personal information, and always reflect others' personal details back to them in a negative fashion. Seems to indicate a lack of confidence in the posters' selves to be so secretive online(as do most of the posts in futb, tbh... See above comment about depression newsgroups). Oh well, at least I give them some entertainment.

On the more positive fuktvbb front, yidaho sounded like she had a great party yesterday, if the voicemail dominated by shouting and Las Ketchup was anything to go by... If I hadn't been shattered from wine and driving around playing with my new camera (and disturbed that the Poison Dwarf might turn up), I'd have gone along.

It's my birthday on Tuesday!

Still haven't worked out how I can persuade people to help me pay off the present that I accidentally went and bought for myself (digi-cam - see pics)

Lunch with JATB on Wednesday - hurrah!
My week pans out as Monday: Work, Tuesday: birthday, Wednesday: food and gossip, Thursday: more work, Friday: DH's birthday, Saturday: some pride march or other. Still need hordes of sleep after a difficult term, but this means I can variegate it with other activities.

CNPS: 16

FBB4: losing badly! :?)

Sleep: got loads, yum!

Food: musssshhhhhh rooooommmmm sooouuuupppp today!

Check me stats...

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Updated: Monday, 21 July 2003 5:34 AM BST
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