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"O, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness."

Worship {and Service}

On this page I would like to explore worship; what is worship? and how is worship acted out?

I have started this page several times, not knowing just what to write down. I finaly had to add the word 'service' to the title. How often when we hear the word, worship, the first image that comes to mind is that of people singing praises in church. We even use the phrase' Worship Service", to define the gathering of God's people in a church. This is proper terminology if it defines the expression in word and song of our love for God and Christ, but, surely there is more to worship than just attending a Sunday church service. We are called to worship God, no, more than that,we are commanded to worship God.

What are your views and understanding of worship?

Are worship and service one and the same?

Are there different levels of worship?

Is true worship an act or a spiritual condition of the heart?

Perhaps the only true act of worship is total surrender to Christ. Since Christ surrendered all for us, even to death on the cross, do we not owe all to Him even our very lives. For we have been saved by grace, the free gift of God. We did not earn it or buy it, salvation has been given to us free of any charge whatsoever. Jesus Christ has paid it all. We are saved by grace through faith; faith in the true and living God, and even that faith through which we are saved, is of God. It is faith for faith, and faith comes by hearing and hearing through the word of God. Hearing God's word as we do His will, surrendering to the commands He sets before us. How can we say we have faith if we do not allow God to try us and prove us? Is God not able to do more then we can ask or imagine? Is God going to ask of us more than He will see us through? Absolutely not! We know this. We say we believe. Yet we too often cower and shy away in the face of danger, ridicule and shame. Myself, I am including. How many opportunities I have missed and failed to glorify God by not being bold enough to confess His name and worship Him in public by being His messenger of love and peace and grace.

May God forgive me.

If you have thoughts or opinions you would like to share on the subject of worship, send them along.

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