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All creation and all people were created by God for His pleasure and glory

All people were created by God to have fellowship with Him and to know Him personally

Through our own sins, we have broken that fellowship with God and have condemned ourselves to a life of not knowing the blessings He wants to share with us and to eternal separation and damnation.

God Himself has entered into creation in the person of Jesus Christ, the Blessed One, in order to pay the ransom price, make the atonement, for our sins. He paid the penalty of death on our behalf, in order that we might have a way out of our predicament. That is how much God loves each and every one of us.

Jesus Christ died on the cross and was buried; but the gates of hell could not hold Him and, He rose again to life on that glorious first Easter morning.

He ascended into heaven, but, He did not leave us helpless. God sent His Holy Spirit to dwell in the hearts and minds and souls of all who believe in Jesus Christ and His atoning work on the cross, that we might once again enjoy the blessings of this life and share in the joy of His eternal salvation.

You too are loved by God and can also join in His ressurection, ascension and His eternal life, plus all the blessings He has for you in this life. It is His gift for you.

Right were you are now. confess to God that you are a sinner, and ask for His forgiveness.

Ask God to lead you in repentence, turning from sin, something none of us are able to do on our own, but, with God's help, you can live a new life.

Ask God to help you in trusting in Him and believing in Him.

Seek out a believing church, that's right, a 'believing church', were you will be encouraged on your journey in God's glory.

And now, New child of the heavenly kingdom, I welcome you into the fellowship.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, and give you peace.

For a great start on your Christian journey, may I suggest the ALPHA course in your community. There is probably one running in your neighborhood. Alpha is sponsored free by believing churches and open to all.

For an excellent book for new Christians may I suggest