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This site is dedicated to glorifying God

e . I Believe . e

In God, the Father;

Maker of heaven and earth.

And in Jesus Christ, the only Son,

Concieved by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary.

Sufferred at the hands of sinful man,

Was crucified; died; and was buried.

On the third day He rose from the dead.

He ascended into Heaven, and now is given all authority over heaven and earth.

He will come again to judge both the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life.

Who proceeds from the Father and Son.

Who with the Father and the Son, together is worshipped and glorified.

He has spoken to us through the Prophets in His Holy Word , the Bible.

I believe in one holy, universal, Church, governed by the teaching of the Apostles.

I believe in one baptism, for the remission of sin.

I believe in the resurection of the dead.

I believe that there is life eternal for all who are in Christ Jesus our redeemer.

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Jesus Banner Exchange