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Tips For Prospective
Dachshund Owners

puppy photo

    So You are thinking about owning, or should I say, being owned, by one of these adorable little dachshunds? If so please read the following:

    Dachshunds are loving, sweet dogs but we do have some characteristics that you should be aware of before you adopt us.

    1. Most of us are pretty laid back but there is the occasional hyper one. In our experience the male tends to be more hyper than the female.

    2. We require little grooming just the occasional bath, nail and tooth care. We shed very little. We have found the black and tan shed more that the other colors.

    3. We do require gentle handling. We should always be picked up with our back supported. This is accomplished by placing one hand under our chest and the other under our rump. If a child is to young to understand this you might want to wait until the child is older to get us. Also stairs are not the best for us, especially when we get older.

    4. We do bark. We are very good to guard our territory and as the humor page says, our territory is as far as the eye can see. For a small dog we have a very loud and (some humans think) annoying bark. Patience and training will help with this.

    5. Most of us love everyone but there is the occasional overly loyal pet that does not take to strangers. This is not a problem if you take the time to socialize us well when we are young.

    6. Many of us have a tendency to be overweight, which is a major risk factor in back problems. Be prepared to resist our beautiful brown eyes, sitting up, talking or anything else we can think of to get a treat. Feed a high quality dog food and very few treats. We love carrots, and chocolate, but my human says chocolate is bad for me (how can something that tastes that good be bad?).

    7. Be prepared to share your bed with us. Don't assume that since we have such short legs that we will not be able to jump on the bed. Wrong! We can jump unbelievable heights.

    8. We do dig holes in the yard. We were bred to burrow and this trait remains. As we get older the digging lessens unless you happen to have gophers or moles and then look out.

    9. We are difficult to house break. The best money that you will ever spend will be on a doggie door. We feel that it is beneath them to always request a human to take us out. If this is not an option just be patient as it is going to take quite awhile to train us.

    10. We love to go in the car. We make excellent travel companions as we sleep while you are driving and are ready to go whenever you stop.

    11. We are very smart, sometimes TO smart, so we can be difficult to train. The key here is don't let me think that you are "training" me. Just talk to me and I will learn. Above all please do not hit us. We love you so much and want to please you so that a firm "no" or the dreaded "bad dog" will break our heart.

    Okay so you still want your own little one?

    First I suggest you check out the rescue links to see if there is one out there waiting for someone like you. If you can't find one of us there check the local animal shelter. Yes, unfortunately one of us will end up at the shelter from time to time (not if my mom knows about it, though). You will not only have a dedicated, forever grateful, friend you will have saved a life. Still no luck, or just have to have a puppy? Look for a reputable breeder. NEVER, buy a dachshund from a pet store or puppy mill. The early treatment of us is so important. (I know of a pet store that puts rubber bands around the snouts of the puppies to keep them quiet!)

    So your new friend is coming home?

    We have prepared a list of necessary items to have on hand.

    1. Blanket, bed optional (I probably won't use it anyway). I have to have something to burrow under. It doesn't matter if it's summer or winter.

    2. Two dishes. The kind that can't be chewed up. I like the hard plastic ones that look like crockery. The water one needs to be a little heavy.

    3. Dog food. Find out what I have been eating and get the same. If you decide to change do so slowly or I will get an upset tummy and possibly diarrhea (not a good first impression).

    4. Toys. I love the soft latex ones with squeaky (yes, latex is more expensive but it lasts) or the stuffed animal type (just make sure they are made for dogs).

    5. Collar and lead. To tell what size collar, measure my neck and add one inch. If you leave me alone PLEASE remove the collar while you are gone.

    6. A Medium pet taxi. These are wonderful for house training and for leaving me in when you are gone if you have other animals. If I am alone, a bathroom with a child safety gate would be great. Be careful of the laundry room. They have electrical cords to chew, vents to get caught in, small spaces to get lodged in, etc.

    7. Arrange to pick me up when you have some time to spend with me. Like Friday after work so we will have the whole weekend.

    Enjoy me as I will give your love back ten times over.

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    Copyright © 1998, Peggy Phillips