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      Peanut's Page

      photo of Peanut

      Hi, my name is Peanut. You ever see a prettier smile? I am a red smooth coated dachshund. I have a little weight problem so guess you can't call me a miniature. I think I fall into the "tweenie" group. I was born May 10, 1994 and my real name is Jamie Elizabeth II. But when I was little my mom thought I looked like a little peanut and so the nickname stuck. My dad is Booger Red X and my mom is Sugar Candy Horton.

      I am a very happy go lucky girl. Don't tell anyone but I think I am my mom's favorite and I know she is mine. I am a lap dog and like to be on anyone's lap. I have had one litter of puppies and am a fantastic mom, myself. Even though she is over 2 years old now I still treat Charlie like she is my puppy. If she wants the toy I will let her have it. I may tease her for awhile but will eventually give it to her.

      I am totally devoted to my human mom. I don't like it when she pays attention to Baby. I tolerate it with Charlie but that's different. If mom goes somewhere I will not eat until she returns. I just lay by the door and wait. I sleep right next to her with my head on the pillow. She complains, sometimes, because I have been known to snore (that's what she says anyway).

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      Copyright © 1998, Peggy Phillips