Welcome to our Home....
We are just one of many rooms in Gods' house,
here on earth, that He has helped prepare.
This page is dedicated to our house. As we live, worship, and pray for you all daily,
Pictures (as they become available!) of where we live,
As was mentioned in Our Statement of Purpose, our life of prayer is our gift to the Church. Since those lines were written, the ministry that God has given to us has blossomed into a worldwide apostolate. We receive prayer requests from almost every nation on Earth, on a daily basis. An experienced Community member, or a priest-specialist, personally answers each and every prayer request that comes to us. Each prayer request is brought to the Chapel of the Resurrection and placed before the Holy Table of the Lord where there is daily remembrance in the Community prayers. Although we get every conceivable type of prayer request, a great many are urgent pleas to the Lord for help in crisis situations; death of a loved one, suicide, marital difficulties, abandonment, grave illness, financial straits, and so forth.
The goal of our Website has always been to reach out to all in need, in Gods' name, and it has been an obvious blessing to so many of you around the world! But as with all of Gods' children, we too need YOUR prayers!
You see, Resurrection House is in serious need of repair. A lack of basic upkeep to these facilities, prior to our acquisition of this house and property, has contributed to the damage we have found, from the roof to the foundation. The roof had to be torn off and completely replaced, along with all the rotted wood underneath. There was an addition on the back of the house, built in the 1950's, which was literally rotting away and collapsing, due to severe water damage from the roof. Since no drainage existed around the house, there was also foundation damage to the two corner walls in our chapel, not to mention the section of chapel roof that has fallen in due to the numerous roof leaks. As a consequence of the erosion, as well as the dilapidated roof, we suffer from serious water damage, as you can see. Water entered the house through ceilings, as well as from around the foundation itself.
The amount of our loan ended up being $50,000.
We have never made an appeal for donations before this, and it is with great reluctance that we do so now. We urgently need your help! It is with great faith in the power of God that we ventured forth and took out this loan. We did not want to do it but it had to be done, and now! It just could not wait any longer. And as the construction and repairs continue, we are still in need to be able to repay the loan amount. We have set up a special account for our building fund.
To contact us first, prior to making a donation, email us at:
we also deal with daily activities of maintaining the chapel, house, property, and gardens.
A never-ending job, but with Gods' help, one that will establish this house for all Christians,
well into this new century!
and of what we're trying to do to fix our house and property!
There's lots to see here now, and more to come soon! Take a look at our NEW
House Construction Page....
Knowing that delaying major repairs any further would have compromised the already weak structural integrity of the house, we had no choice but to take action immediately, or risk serious structural damage and potential personal injury. With great reluctance, and after consultation with our spiritual father, we had to approach a bank and obtain a loan to replace the entire roof, the 27x13 room that is collapsing, and all the rotten wood, from the roof to the foundation. The loan also had to cover the cost of excavation and installation of proper drainage to re-route water around the house, fixing cracks in a concrete wall/roof that allowed water entry, as well as updating our electric service to the house, which is unsafe and dates back to the 1950's.
To send a donation by regular mail, send your contribution to:
Resurrection House of Prayer
3551 CR 219
Berryville, Arkansas 72616
To send a donation by credit card, use the PayPal link below.
PayPal, a free service to you from X.com, lets you send and receive money by email.
PayPal will charge your contribution to an existing credit card or bank account.
It's faster, safer and easier than mailing a personal check.
It is a free service to you. And we can accept your Visa/Master Card donation
directly to our building account.
Thanks for visiting.... Please keep us in your prayers!
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Visit this page often to see new photos and updates on house/property progress!
God Bless You All
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Our Statement of Purpose
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