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work progress

link me
July 17, 2003 ~ Thursday

Edited and uploaded all my fanfics, with exception to Spiral Dance because I really don't even know what I was going with it. ^^;; Enjoy.

July 17, 2003 ~ Thursday

I weeded out all the broken links and posted the rest on the new layout, complete with new reviews and all. Enjoy.

July 16, 2003 ~ Wednesday

I finished up a few of the things, so now I have Work Progress, Techniques, and Link Me section done. And now, I'm off to tackle the hardest parts. Wish me luck minna. T.T

July 16, 2003 ~ Wednesday

Here's the new layout for the Ranma 1/2 page. ^-^ I like it, although I realize that it's actually PINK. ^^;;; But oh well. It's still somewhat pretty. For the time being none of the links work. But i'll be working for the next few days to get all the stuff up. Geez, I've got a lot of stuff to edit. ^^;;;;


hateshinai ai

tsumi to batsu

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