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Interfet and Operation Warden In East Timor
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Australian troops farewell Oecussi enclave

Wednesday 16 February 5:33 AM

Australian troops have finally withdrawn from the East Timorese enclave of Oecussi.

They have handed over security for the area to a Jordanian peacekeeping battalion.
Interfet commander Major-General Peter Cosgrove has paid tribute to Australian soldiers who secured the enclave in October last year.

The push into the enclave, which is surrounded on three sides by Indonesian West Timor and backed onto the sea, came one month after Interfet arrived in Dili.
At the handover ceremony, watched over by East Timorese, Jordanian forces donned the UN's blue berets.

Jordanian commander, Colonel Achmed Fadjer, acknowledged his forces had a tough act to follow in building the confidence of the people of the enclave.

Interfet hands UN control of East Timor

Wednesday 23 February 11:49 AM

The Interfet flag in East Timor has been lowered for the last time.
It came down at a simple ceremony at the headquarters of the multinational command, presided over by Interfet's commander.
Major General Peter Cosgrove stood at attention as the flag was lowered, two soldiers performing the duty as the Interfet commander stood silently looking on.
He was then presented with the flag before returning to his headquarters.
The lowering of the flag signals the relinquishing of military operations to the United Nations.
While thousands of Australian troops who served in the multinational force have already returned home, more than 1,500 remain.
The main contingent, which will serve under the UN, is based on the western border with Indonesian West Timor.

Militia suspected as peacekeepers come under fire

Australian and New Zealand peacekeepers based along East Timor's border with Indonesia have come under sustained fire from suspected militia in the most serious test so far of United Nations military readiness after the departure of Interfet. The military spokesman for the UN Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET), Lieutenant-Colonel Brynjar Nymo, said four incidents involving several hundred rounds being fired, including the targeting of an Australian Army helicopter, had been reported in a 48-hour period to yesterday. The peacekeeping force believed three of the incidents were "a deliberate and co-ordinated effort", he said. "We are concerned at the fact that apparently groups of militia freely can cross the border without the TNI [Indonesian military] being able to stop this activity. We are concerned that if the TNI cannot take necessary measures the situation may well escalate." The sudden appearance of modern automatic weapons in the hands of pro-Jakarta militia came only a day after Indonesia's President Abdurrahman Wahid visited Dili, where he gave assurances that militia were being disarmed. Colonel Nymo warned Indonesia that UN peacekeepers operated under a Security Council mandate that allows soldiers to return fire if threatened. Pro-Jakarta militia are thought to be responsible for the four incidents which occurred on Wednesday and Thursday. "We have had an increased number of reports over the past three or four weeks indicating a larger number of militia being active," Colonel Nymo said. Asked if TNI could have been involved, he said: "I would not go into speculation, but we have no indications that they are." Colonel Nymo said the helicopter was not hit, and there was no return fire in any of the incidents. Before leaving East Timor last week, the Interfet commander, Major-General Peter Cosgrove, had expressed concern that pro-Jakarta militia would test the capacity and resolve of the UN force that took over from Interfet.

Saturday 4 March 10:04 AM

Gun running operation broken in Aceh

Indonesian police claim to have apprehended a group of gun runners responsible for selling arms to rebel fighters in the province of Aceh.
The arrests follow a large-scale undercover operation.

Police have seized a large cache of firearms and thousands of rounds of ammunition.
Twelve men have been taken into custody in relation to the haul, including two members of the military.

Militia elusive but UN says their time nearly up

By MARK DODD in Malabe, East Timor

A group of 15 militia narrowly escaped capture in the rugged central highlands of East Timor after bad weather prevented a New Zealand-led force from completing its security sweep of the area, a senior United Nations military official said last night. The sweep was not likely to yield results for another two days, said Major John Rogers, officer commanding support company First Royal NZ Infantry Regiment. "With enough time we will capture them. We now have the forces to take this through to a conclusion," he said. "Unfortunately the weather has closed in, and right at the crunch point - we were unable to get our cordon in. "We have sighted two to three groups of militia heading away in different directions. Unfortunately I think we have lost them for now." Helicopters were unable to land a platoon of Canadian infantry because of mist which reduced visibility to between five and 10 metres and which obscured the hiding place of the militia, Major Rogers said. Soldiers from the elite New Zealand Special Air Service squadron, specialised infantry trackers, sniper teams, one Fijian infantry platoon, armoured vehicles and helicopter support are involved in the operation.

West Timor's military commander promises to tighten security
Sunday 12 March
Indonesia's military commander in West Timor has promised to tighten security.
The commitment comes after a series of complaints from the Australian Embassy and the chief of the United Nations peacekeeping force in East Timor.
The UN's commander Lieutenant General Jamie Della Santos travelled to Jakarta last week to express his concerns. His meetings with top officials follows similiar representations by the Australian embassy.
As a result Indonesian president Abdurahman Wahid called in his defence minister and demanded action.
That message has now been conveyed to senior officers on the ground in the border region. In the past two weeks the area has been unsettled by renewed militia violence.
Up to 16 attacks have been recorded in as many days including some close to Australian held positions. President Wahid has ordered that militia members should now be disarmed if necessary to diffuse the violence.

25TH March 2000
Awards arising from service in East Timor

The Governor-General is pleased to announce the following appointments and awards for operational service in East Timor, and for service in support of the operations conducted there:

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Major General Peter John COSGROVE, AM, MC:
For eminent service to the Australian Defence Force as the Commander of the International Force East Timor.

Mr Alan James MILLS, AM, APM:
For distinguished service as the Commissioner of the Civilian Police Contingent of the United Nations Assistance Mission in East Timor overseeing security of the consultation ballot.



Major General Andrew James MOLAN, AM:
For distinguished service to the Australian Defence Force as the Head of the Australian Defence Staff in Jakarta during the Indonesian and East Timor crises.


Lieutenant Colonel Stephen Julian DAY:
For distinguished command and leadership of the 3rd Combat Engineer Regiment during the deployment and operational phases of Operation WARDEN.

Brigadier Mark EVANS, AM:
For distinguished command and leadership as the Commander of the 3rd Brigade during Operation WARDEN in East Timor.

Lieutenant Colonel Simon Charles GOULD:
For distinguished command and leadership as the Commanding Officer of the 5th/7th Battalion (Mechanized), the Royal Australian Regiment, with the International Force East Timor.

Lieutenant Colonel Timothy Joseph McOWAN, CSM:
For distinguished command and leadership as the Commanding Officer of the Response Force Component, and as the Special Operations Component Commander at the Headquarters of the International Force East Timor.

Lieutenant Colonel Michael David SLATER, CSC:
For distinguished command and leadership of the 2nd Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment, during the deployment and operational phases of Operation WARDEN.

Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Warrick WELCH:
For distinguished command and leadership of the 3rd Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment, during the deployment and operational phases of Operation WARDEN.



Commander Daryl Wayne BATES, RAN:
For exceptional service to the Australian Defence Force as the Chief of Staff at the Deployable Joint Force Headquarters - Maritime with the International Force East Timor.

Commodore James Richard STAPLETON, RAN:
For exceptional service to the Australian Defence Force in the field of Maritime Operations in East Timor.


Lieutenant Colonel Donald Cyril COUSINS:
For exceptional service to the Australian Defence Forces the Staff Officer Grade One Personnel and Logistics at the Headquarters of the International Force East Timor during Operation WARDEN.

Lieutenant Colonel Quentin Lloyd FLOWERS:
For exceptional service to the Australian Defence Force as the Staff Officer Grade One Operations at the Deployable Joint Force Headquarters and Headquarters of the International Force East Timor.


Air Commodore Roxley Kenneth McLENNAN:
For exceptional service to the Australian Defence Force as the Air Component Commander and Commander of the Australian Contingent for the International Force East Timor during Operation WARDEN.



Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Burs DUDLEY, RAN:
For outstanding achievement as the Commanding Officer of HMA Ships JERVIS BAY and GEELONG.

Commander Leslie Vaughn RIXON, RAN:
For outstanding achievement as the Commanding Officer of HMA Ships JERVIS BAY and GLADSTONE.
Lieutenant Commander Geoffrey Leonard TURNER, RAN:
For outstanding achievement in providing garrison support in Darwin to enable the timely deployment of Australian and international forces to East Timor.


Warrant officer Class Two Audrey BREW:
For outstanding achievement as the Manager of Technical Supplies, General Equipment, within the Material Operations Branch of the Defence National Storage and Distribution Centre, in support of Operation WARDEN.


Flight Lieutenant Richard John ALBERTS:
For outstanding achievement as the Air Movements Officer in support of Australian and international air operations staging through, and based in, RAAF Darwin.

Group Captain Grahame Vincent CARROLL:
For outstanding achievement as the Joint Special Operations Air Component Commander, Joint Task Force Number 504, during the air evacuation from East Timor.

Wing Commander Alan James COOK:
For outstanding achievement in supporting Australian and international operations staging through, and based in, Darwin.

Wing Commander Christopher Joseph McHUGH:
For outstanding achievement as the Officer Commanding, Combat Support Force, Townsville in providing support to East Timor operations.



Colonel Kenneth Allan BROWNRIGG, CSC:
For outstanding achievement as the Army Attach in Indonesia during the East Timor crisis.



Staff Sergeant Kim FELMINGHAM:
For outstanding devotion and competency in providing medical treatment to vehicle accident casualties on 14 January 2000 while on Operation STABILISE in East Timor.

Corporal Wayne Bradley McKENNA:
For outstanding devotion and competency in the performance of medical duties with the 1st Combat Service Support Team in East Timor.



Sergeant Steven ODDY:
For gallantry on 16 October 1999 while leading a patrol in the vicinity of Aidabasalala, East Timor, during Operation WARDEN.



Lieutenant Commander Peter Reginald TEDMAN, RAN:
For distinguished leadership as the Commanding Officer of the Clearance Diving Team Four during Operation STABILISE in East Timor.


Major Stephen James GRACE:
For distinguished leadership as a Rifle Company Commander during operations with the International Force East Timor.

Captain Jonathan Graham HAWKINS:
For distinguished leadership as a Troop Commander during Operaton WARDEN in East Timor.

Major James Francis McMAHON:
For distinguished leadership as an Officer Commanding during Operation WARDEN in East Timor.

Corporal Paul John TEONG:
For distinguished leadership as a Section Commander, 8 Platoon, during contact with opposing militia at Motaain in East Timor on 10 October 1999.


Squadron Leader John David LEO:
For distinguished leadership as the Commanding Officer of No 2 Airfield Defence Squadron at Komoro, East Timor.



Warrant Officer Class Two Robert Thomas McCABE:
For meritorious service to the Australian Defence Force with the Response Force in East Timor during Operation WARDEN.

Chaplain Grade Two Graeme John RAMSDEN:
For meritorious service to the Australian Defence Force as the Chaplain of the 1st Joint Support Unit and Deputy Senior Chaplain of the Deployable Joint Force Headquarters during Operation STABILISE in East Timor.


Flight Lieutenant (Chaplain) Ross John NAYLOR:
For meritorious service to the Australian Defence Force in the performance of chaplaincy duties with the International Force East Timor.



Lieutenant Commander Paul Jeremy MULCAHY, RAN:
For outstanding service as the Staff Officer Grade Two Plans at the Headquarters of the 1st Joint Movements Group, Sydney.


Captain Noel William HENDERSON:
For outstanding service in providing support for operations in East Timor.

Warrant Officer Class Two Wayne Anthony KEARNEY:
For outstanding service as an assistant to the Army Attach in Indonesia during the East Timor crisis.

Major David James MOON:
For outstanding service as the Civil Military Liaison Officer at Headquarters Northern Command.

Warrant Officer Class Two Leanne Elizabeth NIMMO:
For outstanding service as an assistant to the Army Attach in Indonesia during the East Timor crisis.

Warrant Officer Class Two Stephen Michael ROBINSON:
For outstanding service in the field of Logistics in support of Operation WARDEN and Operation SAFE HAVEN.

Sergeant Kerry WALSH:
For outstanding service as the Local Purchase Officer at the Force Support Group in Darwin in support of Operations SPITFIRE, WARDEN and STABILISE.

Warrant Officer Class Two Sandra Fay WILSON:
For outstanding service as the Warrant Officer Operations and Plans at the Joint Movement Control Office Darwin.


Squadron Leader Robert Stephen BARNES:
For outstanding service as the Officer-In-Charge of the Logistics Services Flight at No 323 Combat Support Squadron in support of operations in East Timor.

Group Captain Brenton Paul CROWHURST:
For outstanding service as the Base Commander at RAAF Base Tindal in support of operations in East Timor.

Squadron Leader John Raymond HEINRICH:
For outstanding service as the Officer-In-Charge of the Development Flight at No 92 Wing during Operations SPITFIRE, WARDEN and STABILISE.

Warrant Officer Alexander HYNDMAN:
For outstanding service to the Australian Defence Force during Operation SPITFIRE and Operation WARDEN.

Flying Officer Paul William SAKER:
For outstanding service as the Officer-In-Charge of the 395 Expeditionary Combat Support Wing Detachment B in support of Royal Australian Air Force personnel deployed to East Timor.



Able Seaman Justin James BROWN:
For gallantry during a reconnaissance of an amphibious landing site in East Timor on the night of 21 October 1999.


Trooper Brook BURGESS:
For gallantry in providing medical support to two wounded fellow soldiers while under fire with the International Force East Timor on 6 October 1999.



Chief Petty Officer Peter Andrew HANCOCK, CSC:
For distinguished performance of duties as the Senior Radio Communications specialist for the International Force East Timor Naval Component during Operation STABILISE.

Lieutenant Commander Terrence Joseph O'CONNOR, RAN:
For distinguished performance of duties as the Port Control Officer and Deputy Harbour Master during Operation STABILISE in East Timor.

Commander Robert Wayne RICHARDS, RAN:
For distinguished performance of duties as the Supply Officer of HMAS SUCCESS during Operation STABILISE in East Timor.

Lieutenant Commander Andrew Phillip RUSHBROOK, RAN:
For distinguished performance of duties as the Flight Commander of HMAS SYDNEY with the International Force East Timor.

Able Seaman Simon Jason SMITH:
For distinguished performance of duties as part of the Australian Clearance Diving Team Four Detachment within the International Force East Timor.

Commander Vincent Morris THOMPSON, CSC, RAN:
For distinguished performance of duties as the Commanding Officer of HMAS TOBRUK and as the Commander of Task Unit 627.1.4 during the Operation STABILISE in East Timor.


Major Michael Charles ASHLEIGH:
For distiguished performance of duties as the Office-in-Charge of the Battallion Support Group, 3rd Brigade Administrative Support Battalion, during Operation WARDEN in East Timor.

Corporal Andrew William CAMERON:
For distinguished performance of duties as a Patrol Commander during Operation WARDEN in East Timor.

Colonel Grant Douglas CAVENAGH, AM:
For distinguished performance of duties as the Commander of the Force Logistics Support Group during Operation WARDEN in East Timor.

Major Christopher Antony FIELD:
For distinguished performance of duties as the Operations Officer of the 2nd Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment, whilst in East Timor.

Major Marcus Conrad FIELDING:
For distinguished performance of duties as the Brigade Major of the Headquarters of the 3rd Brigade during Operation WARDEN in East Timor.

Major Graeme William FINNEY:
For distinguished performance of duties as the Officer Commanding of the Civil Military Liaison Team, 5th/7th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment, whilst in East Timor.

Captain Neil Jeffery GLASSON:
For distinguished performance of duties as the Troop Commander of the 15 Field Troop, 18 Field Squadron, 3rd Combat Engineer Regiment, during Operation WARDEN in East Timor.

Major Robert Charles HAMILTON:
For distinguished performance of duties as the Officer Commanding of Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment, during Operation WARDEN in East Timor.

Corporal Lee-Ann McCLENAHAN:
For distinguished performance of duties as a Section Commander in 72 Terminal Troop, 10th Force Support Battalion, during Operation WARDEN in East Timor.

Warrant Officer Class Two William Patrick MAHER:
For distinguished performance of duties as a Patrol Commander during Operation WARDEN in East Timor.

Major Michael Allan ROZZOLI:
For distinguished performance of duties as the Officer Commanding of Charlie Company, 5th/7th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment, during Operation WARDEN in East Timor.

Major Andrew Crosby SHEGOG:
For distinguished performance of duties as the Officer Commanding of the 103rd Signals Squadron during Operation WARDEN in East Timor.

Lance Corporal Jason Raymond STAGG:
For distinguished performance of duties as the acting Section Commander of Callsign 43C, 5th/7th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment, in East Timor.

Sergeant Stephen Michael STARKOFF:
For distinguished performance of duties as the Platoon Sergeant of 7 Platoon, 5th/7th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment, in East Timor.

Major Peter Charles STEEL:
For distinguished performance of duties as the Officer Commanding of the 5th Aviation Squadron Group, 5th Aviation Regiment, during Operation STABILISE in East Timor.

Lieutenant Colonel Neil Alan TURTON:
For distinguished performance of duties as the Officer Commanding of the 162nd Reconnaissance Squadron during Operation WARDEN in East Timor.

Warrant Officer Class Two Douglas Norman WARD:
For distinguished performance of duties as the Technical Warrant Officer within the Field Supply element of the 3rd Brigade Administrative Support Battalion during Operation WARDEN in East Timor.

Major Christopher Andrew WEBSDANE:
For distinguished performance of duties as the Officer Commanding of C Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, during Operation WARDEN in East Timor.

Major John Christopher WILSON:
For distinguished performance of duties in the planning and installation of the commercial telecommunications network in support of Operation STABILISE in East Timor.

Corporal Leighton Barnet WILSON:
For distinguished performance of duties as the acting Workshop Sergeant and Section Commander of the 1st Combat Service Support Team, and as the Maintenance Section Commander, during Operation WARDEN in East Timor.


Squadron Leader George Anton CHRISTIANSON:
For distinguished performance of duties as the Officer-in-Charge of the Operations Support Flight, 381 Expeditionary Combat Support Squadron, at Komoro Airfield during Operation WARDEN in East Timor.

Warrant Officer Gregory Michael HARRINGTON:
For distinguished performance of duties as the environmental health specialist deployed to East Timor.

Wing Commander Stephen Leslie SPENCER:
For distinguished performance of duties in the provision of air support to Operation WARDEN and Operation STABILISE in East Timor.


Task Unit 645.1.1:

For sustained outstanding service in warlike operations in support of the International Force East Timor during Operation STABILISE.


Squadron Group, the Special Air Service Regiment:
For sustained outstanding service in warlike operations as the Special Air Service Regiment of the Response Force for Operation WARDEN.


To 2 Airfield Defence Squadron:
For sustained outstanding service in warlike operations in support of the International Force East Timor during Operation WARDEN and Operation STABILISE.

Troops trumpet return from E Timor
AAP April 8 2000

Hundreds of troops and their families celebrated their return from East Timor at a Victorian Government welcome-home ceremony today.
Army, Navy and Airforce personnel gathered on the sunlit gardens behind Melbourne's Parliament House for a festive barbecue with Premier Steve Bracks and other parliamentarians.
Mr Bracks told the gathered troops, force commanders, their families and friends that they occupied a special place in the hearts of Australians.
"I'm very pleased to see that we have a family day here, recognising and celebrating what you did. A successful overseas effort, one which we can hold our head up very high in Australia, one which we are very proud of," he said.
Logistics Commander with the East Timor forces Colonel Grant Cavenagh said the East Timor operation was the biggest deployment of troops since World War Two.
"This was a rapidly executed Australian-led, multi-national operation that had a difficult mission to achieve: to restore peace and security to East Timor and to facilitate humanitarian assistance," he said.
Warrant Officer Brad Dunn said the barbecue - with band music and children playing in an inflatable castle in the background - was an ideal opportunity to catch up with other troops.
Officer Dunn, sent to East Timor with the first round of troops, said the men on the ground showed incredible discipline.
"There were times when they could have just started shooting, but they didn't, they held back and were probably braver by not shooting," he said.
Another soldier, Corporal Jodie Bowman, said she was shocked on arrival in East Timor at the devastation caused by the militia but amazed at the joy local people expressed at the troop's arrival.
"They didn't care whether they were fed or clothed. To be able to walk down the street not in fear was a whole new life for them," she said.
"The people were just amazing, you know, smiling all the time, they were so happy we were there," Corporal Bowman said.

Navy boat leaves for Dili

Sunday 16 April 11:00 AM

The Navy's fast catamaran, The Jervis Bay, left for Dili this morning with 40 Darwin troops on board.
The soldiers are from the First Combat Engineering Regiment and will provide engineering support for the Sixth battalion.
Their tasks will include ensuring the supply of good drinking water, and keeping roads open.
Sergeant Brent Doyle says the troops will be away for six months.
"Initially the troops from the first combat engineering regiment will be based out of Maliana which is located on the Western border of East Timor," he said.
"The primary role of those troops is to provide support to the battalion group whose ultimate role is to provide security to the people of East Timor."

Troops Honoured With Parade

Wed 19th April 2000

Major-General Peter Cosgrove will lead more than 1,500 Army, Navy and Air Force personnel through the streets of Sydney today in a parade to honour Interfet's role in East Timor.
The parade will move off from First Fleet Park at Circular Quay at 12.30 pm and march along George Street to the Town Hall.
On hand to welcome the troops home officially will be the Governor-General, Sir William Deane, the Prime Minister, Mr Howard, and the Lord Mayor of Sydney, Councillor Frank Sartor.
Cr Sartor will present General Cosgrove, commander of Interfet, with the keys to the city.
"The keys to the city are Sydney's way of recognising the importance of the job done by Interfet and the valuable role they have played as ambassadors for Australia," the Lord Mayor said.


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