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Dedicated to The Australian Peacekeepers in East Timor and The Solomon Islands
And Now The Middle East
May You All Come Home Safely

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We Would Like To Express Our Sympathy To The American People
Over The Attack On American Soil By Those Who Would Oppose The Freedom That America Stands For.
God Bless America

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Bali 12th October 2002

Australia Remembers

The hearts and love of all Australians
are with those who lost friends and families

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"Australia". "Digger". The names bring a rush of pride.
In our short 200 years of history, we have fought bravely in more than our fair share of wars, and in countries that were never our own. Always the defender, never the aggressor always, in the end, the winner.

Australians, in time of war have always been courageous, and at the fore-front of the most famous battles in history. The pride of a nation goes with you.
Be safe, be brave and go with honour.

Our thanks go also to the troops from all over the world who have chosen to support us


The Highest rating TV show of 1999

Wow Guys and Gals, that concert was something else. I'll bet Kylie caused quite a few sleepless nights for any guys watching her. It just goes to show what a really great Australian talent she is. All the performers were brilliant. Whispering Jack with the first rendition of Sadie I have heard in many a year. Doc Neeson who really made Dili rock,. Roy and HG just as good as ever. It just goes to show what real Australians these performers are. Unlike some who make their money here and claim to be "True Blue" but give nothing back. The Australian girls in uniform look like they were recruited from a top modelling agency. The highlight of the night, for me, was when Australian Band Member Rachel Starkey sang that most beautiful of carols, Silent Night. It is perhaps appropiate, as the people of East Timor had very few silent nights, before the Interfet Force arrived. All the Australian radio stations are talking about it. She has quite a fan club. Wish I was there!!! The night really went to the final song. "You're the Voice".It probably symbolises our work there and the commitment of Australian Troops to the people of East Timor. The children, perched so trusting and happy on the shoulders of our men and women demonstrating, more than words, the way that the East Timorese feel about us. You men and women make me so proud to be an Australian. Thank you to all the sponsors, who gave air trips, computers and Dili Bags to the soldiers.
We know who to support in future.


A total of 15 ships from seven nations continued maritime support operations. The Australian Defence Force’s new high-speed catamaran, HMAS Jervis Bay has now completed nine runs to Dili, having carried 2000 personnel, 70 vehicles including 40 armoured personnel carriers, 40 pallets of stores and 30 bags of mail. HMAS Tobruk has completed five runs to DILI and three to Suai, carrying a total of 600 people, nearly 100 armoured vehicles, 140 trucks, assorted heavy plant and machinery as well as 41 containers and 600 pallets of stores. There have been over 500 air sorties in support of INTERFET operations, delivering over 100 tons of humanitarian aid, personnel, stores, equipment and mail. RAAF Airfield Defence Guards are providing security at Dili and Baucau airfields and an RAAF Combat Support Squadron is providing support to air operations.

As of the 31st October 1999
INTERFET forces deployed in East Timor now number over 9 000, including about 3, 800 Coalition troops. The forces include contributions from Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand, United Kingdom and the United States.

We Australian's thank you all for your support

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I'm sure, the guys and gals still "Over There" will be very pleased to know how many people support them.
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