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Welcome to the Akbiekdi language page!

Welcome to the Akbiekdi language page!

AkbiekdiMoro age deimo ige sedikoi ges kase.

Akbiekdi is the official language of the Republic of Naro Ermase.

NaroErmase age Kikmano age moro titmoi ges AkbiekdiMoro.

Follow these links for a complete introduction to Akbiekdi:

AkbiekdiMoro ige sousmo lakoi oige linkok dese ares aro kase:

- The alphabet, pronunciation.

- Pronouns.

- Nouns.

- Suffixes.

- Verbs.

- Adjectives.

- Adverbs.

- Prepositions.

- Conjunctions.

- Compound Words.

- Word Order.

- Vocabulary.

- Translations.

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