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Adjectives and Adverbs in Akbiekdi
All proper adjectives (not suffixes) in Akbiekdi end with -oi:

pezoi			green
kamoi			blue
samoi			black
kikmoi			white
bramoi			soft
finoi			hard
xuzoi			difficult
tinoi			easy
kaladoi			pretty, beautiful
bobmoi			good

There are three degrees for comparatives: of inferiority, equality and
of superiority:

Comparatives of inferiority are made by adding -tan- before the -oi 
ending on an adjective:

peztanoi		less green
kamtanoi		less blue

Comparatives of equality are made by adding -xen- before the -oi 
ending on an adjective:

pezxenoi		as green
kamxenoi		as blue

Comparatives of superiority are made by adding -tev- before the -oi 
ending on an adjective:

peztevoi		more green
kamtevoi		more blue

There are two degrees for superlatives: of inferiority and of superiority:

Superlatives of inferiority are made by adding -ein- before the -oi 
ending on an adjective:

pezeinoi		the least green
kameinoi		the least blue

Superlatives of superiority are made by adding -nol- before the -oi 
ending on an adjective:

peznoloi		the greenest
kamnoloi		the bluest

Adjectives always go after the noun they qualify:

pifio kaladoi		pretty dog
xilo tinoi		easy book

Adjectives never change according to number:

pifiok kikmoi		white dogs
xilok xuzoi		difficult books

The suffix -pa makes an adverb out of an adjective:

bramoipa		softly
finoipa			hardly
xuzoipa			difficultly
tinoipa			easily
bobmoipa		well

These are some adjectives in Akbiekdi:

bramoi			soft
finoi			hard
xuzoi			difficult
tinoi			easy
kaladoi			pretty, beautiful
vevknoi			ugly
bobmoi			good
gurtoi			bad
kamoi			small
jinhoi			big, large
almoi			big, bulky
sansoi			tall, high
metroi			short
baboi			heavy
uetroi			light (weight)
kundoi			long
moi			wide
limoi			narrow
baroi			clean
kanoi			dirty
duziroi			cool
pepmoi			cold
giroi			warm
hosoi			hot
vevoi			damp
noi			wet
menoi			empty
moptoi			dry
igoi			full
sukoi			quick
ekuoi			slow
kaminitoi		ordinary
xixnatoi		comfortable
xixnatokniruoi		uncomfortable
suitoi			near
valoi			distant
caloi			right (direction)
nitroi			left
frenoi			right
ouloi			wrong
inkioi			poor
oustoi			rich
asnoi			sweet
tivasoi			bitter
tsidoi			acid
durkmoi			salty
oixoi			young
rouroi			old
exezoi			new
hupsoi			dark
eroi			light, bright
timkoi			clear
gonsoi			fat
faktoi			thick
prokoi			thin
vlemoi			round
ousnatoi		square
ausoi			flat
junksoi			deep
knatoi			strong
enomoi			weak
lakoi			tired
zutoi			alone
kulkamoi		happy
sanosoi			sad
edoi			free
boroutzmoi		crazy
xintkoi			silly
foltnoi			drunk
adnoi			polite
gipoi			rude
floroi			pleasant
akoi			unpleasant
joi			true
sidoi			false
javokoi			foreign
tamokoi			domestic
denoi			fine
anatoi			first
iloi			last
tolooi			friendly
sderoi			hostile
tsateroi		lucky
tsatekniruoi		unlucky
gfiroi			charming
dudesoi		afraid
raduoi			ready
tersoi			hungry
verdoi			thirsty
komkanoi		comic, funny
estakoi			possible
estakkniruoi		impossible
alstoi			brave
ietoi			cowardly
katoi			quiet
kukoi			noisy
uretsoi			live
kuxenoi			dead


pezoi			green
kamoi			blue
samoi			black
kikmoi			white
eskanoi		red
frekntoi		yellow
auzoi			gray
brikoi			brown
austoi			rose, pink
olarkoi			purple		
