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what is agsa?

The Association of Genetic Support of Australasia (AGSA) Inc., a tax deductible registered charity, was formed in 1988 to provide support and information for individuals and families  affected by a genetic condition.

What is a genetic condition?

A gene or a chromosome change can result in a genetic condition. Genes are the instructions that determine our physical and intellectual characteristics, and also control the correct functioning of our bodies. A genetic condition can run in families, but may occur without a previous family history.

How Many Families in Australia are affected by a genetic condition?
  • One person in ten will be adversely affected, directly or in directly , by a genetic problem during their life time.
  • About half of all miscarriages are caused by chromosomal abnormalities
  • So far over 6000 disorders have been identified, caused by changes in any one of the 100,00 or so genes in our bodies.

The list in increasing every year and includes conditions such as vision or hearing impairment, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, haemophilia, some forms of breast and colon cancer, and conditions that affect growth and development. 
How can AGSA help?

The diagnosis of a genetic condition in a family member, particularly a child, places enormous stress on a family. Families may feel the need for personal support offering a specialized understanding of their particular condition. Whilst there are support groups established for a number of genetic disorders, AGSA may provide the only contact point for families affected by a rare condition. AGSA will endeavor to facilitate contact with another family/individual affected by the same, or similar conditions, and/or provide information about overseas support group.
AGSA also provides:

  • A Support and Information Officer who deals with enquiries and facilitates ongoing support for individuals, families, health professionals and other interested groups.
  • Regular newsletters
  • Resources relating to education, medical services, other helpful organizations, allowances and respite care.
  • Information seminars
  • Local Regional contacts

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