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Prayer Page

Welcome to our Prayer page. If you have a prayer request, feel free to e-mail us with your request and we will be happy to put it on our page.

If you wish to send us a prayer request, please write to us at WOTR Prayer requests.

Prayer list

  1. WOTR Radio - That God will bless this ministry and that we will be able to help bless Christians and their families.
  2. Bill, Uncle Walt, and other staff member or WOTR radio.
  3. Protection for our troops in the middle east after the Gulf war.
  4. The families of those who are on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces.
  5. Jill - Salvation, anger, lifestyle
  6. All those looking for a new job.
  7. #5 Katie - Basketball Player - Direction and wisdom in life and on the court.
  8. Jessica - Salvation
  9. Bob - Salvation
  10. Mary DeMary - health
  11. Michael Kuhns - salvation
  12. Our President and Governmental officials
  13. Dawn - For health and the right direction during her teenage years
  14. Greg - Salvation, Causing problems for ex-wife and his children.
  15. Tina's children - Jordan, Shaleigh, and Toriana - for God to watch over them through their life and help guide their way to life the way God wants them to.
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Web site designed by Hugh Troyer