The Virus

The Legend

is NOW in CWR

The best fed on the net!
The Evolution of The Virus: An in depth biography written by The Virus
RP number 10
The fans learn of DJ's (virus's Wife) pregnancy
The concert: The official begining of THEVIRUS ERA
A skit about formulaic promo's
The music starts to play
The virus last HWO promo
The virus starts to change
Which came first the chicken or the egg? Find out here!
Stars Rizzo from the muppets (what else do i need to say?)

This is the home page of an efed character called Virus below is a discription of the character...

Fighter's Name: Virus

Fighter's Real Name: Victor Ian Russell

Fighter's Weight: 374lbs

Fighter's Height: 7ft 2

Preferred Weapon: The Gauntlet!

Finisher: Areoplane Spin into a DDT (usually through something) Favourite moves:

1. Any technical moves featuring the gauntlet (ie An armbar!)

2. Roundhouse kick

3. THE F**k Up (a modified last ride come Falcon arrow, to be released for special matches)

4. The suicidal... ddt some one off a very high platform used ONLY in CWR/EWA PPV's

Character's Appearence: The Virus is imagined to look like Brock Lesnar(but taller and more scarred) He is very BIG and very muscular. Usually in jeans and promotion tshirt with big black leather boots and a long leather trenchcoat.

Significant Others:

Dione 'The antidote' Jackson

Dione Is The Virus's Wife

Irie Russell : The virus baby daughter.

Ishmael Russell: The virus' Baby son.

Blaze: One of Virus's lifelong friends(more coming soon)

This site and all its contents are owned by James J Barrett as pertaining to the Intellectual Copyrights Act.