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The Yath: The Temple of Lolth holds sway on all things in Drow society, and often times the members of the Temple hold all positions of power. This class is reserved for only female characters, as males are lowly in the eyes of Lolth. The Priestesses of Lolth are feared by all Drow, and disfavor among the Temple will surely lead to the death of the offender.

Matron Ilynra- Matron Mother of Qu'ellar Myrdaruk. She rules through Lolth's favor, and her own vicious resolve. She is still young for a Matron, but that has little influence, for she is powerful and commands the strength of her House. Ilynra is cunning, resourceful, and above all, merciless. Nothing will stand in her way when it comes to the will of Lolth.

Letha - Yathtallar-

Irae - Yath'abban-

Sabrae Morloth - Yath'abban- Sabrae Morloth puts great thought into her actions and does not make idle threats. Hot blooded and quick tempered. Though life has taught her to be patient. She will take a great deal of time to plot and plan the down fall of anyone who has tainted her pride.

Vassrin - Yath'abban-

The Sorcere: The Academy of Mages is the second most powerful caste, right behind the Yath. A wizard is one of the most prestigious positions a male can ever hope to achieve. However, the Yath covets their power, and strict sanctions are imposed on the inner workings of the Sorcere. Drow wizards horde their secrets, and often experiment and practice in secret, away from the eyes of the Temple. Drow wizards are among the most powerful in the realms. They practice necromancy and dark magics that rival the most ancient of Lichs.

Phlith- E'spdon-

Kyorl- M'elzar-

Ilphrin- Zhaunin-

The Melee-Magthere: The Academy of Warriors. The Drow's constant warfare on the surface and throughout the Underdark has bred a fierce race of elves. The warriors are among the finest bladesmasters in all the realms.Without the Sargtlin of the House to fight the Matron's battles, there would be no foundation for power. The warriors form the main body of the Drow army. The Drow are true friends to none, and the list of enemies of a house grows quickly.

Xeon Reed- Qu'el'saruk- Through use of cunning and treachery, rose through the ranks of Olathmir's warriors to become a captain amoung them. Chosen by Ilynra to aid in her coup d'etat, he was given command of the Melee-Magthere as a reward, though it would later cost him his left eye to the wolf, Jennae Kynn.

Filraen- Sut'rinos- Filraen is a young drow that has worked very hard since his apeearance on the surface. His work has been recognized by the Qu'el'saruk and the Matron Mother Ilynra wich made him a Sut'rinos of l'Qu'ellar Myrdaruk. He is a fierce warrior with cunning to match.

Ssz'drin Viaxus- Drada'quarthin-

Vorn- Sargtlin-

Relkyrn- Sargtlin-

Draeyn Ulviiryne- Sargtlin-

The Velkyn: The society of thieves and assassins under the command of the Qu'el'velguk are a powerful force in the House. This network serves the Ilharess as her personal tool for disposing enemy leaders, gathering information, and keeping tabs on the Drow of the House.

Orbdrin- Qu'el'velguk-

Nrel- Vel'xunyrr-

Tulorn- Velg'larn- Tulorn revels in the sight and feel of blood, and has a morbid fascination with death, both his own and those of others. He is beyond cruel and evil, delighting in the pain, dispair and agony of others, and will often torment females of other species to hear their screams. In the company of others, he is very calm and chilling to be around.

Felyndiira- Qu'abban-

Fenril Mourn- Qu'abban- Fenril Mourn never shows his face to his prey, he keeps it hidden under his hooded cloak. He is a very shadowy figure, not being very comfortable around anything but himself. He only talks when talked to, and usually is off in the corner somewhere. Fenril is on his own, at birth he was left, alone, by his parents in the wilderness. Thus Fenril only trusts himself, and his own abilities, no one else.

G'deldrria- Qu'abban- She once lived in the Underdark City of Orbbsree. When a raid from the surface destroyed her House and City, she fled to the surface, to enact vengeance upon the lands of light. She is cunning, cruel, and hot-headed. Spilling blood in combat is one of her favorite past-times.


Nym Duskryn
Nilonim Duskryn
Ssin Shobalar
Tanelyan Ousstyl