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Rank Level Yath Sargtlin Sorcere Assassins/Spies Special Crafter
7 Ilharess
6 Yathtallar E'spdon Ilharn
5 Faerz'un'arr Qu'el'saruk Qu'el'faeruk Qu'el'velguk C'rintri
4 Yathrin Sut'rinos Faern Veldran/Vel'xunyrr Orbb'd'aron
3 Drada'quarthin M'elzar Velg'larn/Olplyn
2 Yath'abban Sargtlin Zhaunin Qu'abban Beldrin
1 Wanre Wanre Wanre Wanre Wanre
0 Dobluth Slave

Mounts: Only rank three and above are allowed to ride and use mounts. Ostards and Giant Beetles are the prefered mounts. Horses and Llama's are the mounts of rivvil, and are not to be used. Nightmares are acceptable, as well as Ethereal mounts.

Wanre: See the creation page for information on what is expected of a newly created Drow. Look over the class selection list, and choose skills appropriate to the class you intend to join.

Slaves are any number of the various surface races captured by the Drow. Slaves are the lowest members of the Drow caste, filling all meanial tasks from cleaning or manual labor to fighting in the gladiator pits. Slaves can almost never advance in rank and any Drow can order or command a slave, within reason. Slaves should always be extremely humble before their Drow masters.
Playing a slave in UO is VERY difficult for a number of reasons. Playing your slave as your main character is not reccomended. Realistically, slavery cannot survive in the close proximity to dominate, anti-slavery cultures. Slavery demands confinement. Due to the realities of magic and the relatively small size of Britannia, maintaining a slave against enemy rescue attempts is a fairly difficult. A slave cannot be guarded sufficiently, so some creative license is required. Secondly, playing a slave requires a great deal of maturity.
Slave life is usually spent toiling away for their master and interaction between slaves and masters is obviously limited to only a few relatively brief kinds of encounters. A slave should be reasonably skilled in a couple crafts; this will be the main "use" of the slave. That is, being ordered to do work will be the main role of a slave. Aside for simple skill demands, a slave may be asked to gather supplies, clean, cook, or play fodder in Drow attacks. These orders should be carried out without question for the punishment for disobedience is swift and severe.
Being a Slave in Drow society is a horrible fate--Slaves are expected to work constantly to produce goods for use by the Drow, immediately and unfailingly execute any and all orders given to them, and survive on the leanest of provisions and accomodations. Slaves are the targets of abuse, derision, and scorn, usually at the hands of the lowest-ranking Drow, who outrank only the Slaves, themselves.
A Slaves owner is very protective of their property. Harming someone elses Slave can lead to retaliation by the Higher ranking Drow. Also, goods that Slaves create are the property of the Slaves owner, and are not to be handed over unless the owner deems it fit.

Duergar Slaves hold a little more status than working slaves. The condition of the battle fodder is monitored. Fresh battle slaves are necessary. Over worked, or spent Slaves are useless to throw at your enemy. The Duergar Clan is exclusively bred as battle fodder for the Drow, too throw at the enemy before the main Drow forces attack.