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History: The Drow have long lived in the depths of Sosaria, although not always did they rule in darkness. They were once among the Elves of the land, greeting the sun each morning with praise. A faction of evil Lolth worshiping Drow were forced underground. And thus, overtime, became the Ilythirii. Lolth, angry at the arrogance of the Elven peoples, began to spread her followers across the multiverse. And so, the Drow came to Sosaria. Countless generations passed, and the Drow became strong. They crafted great artifacts in Lolth's honor. They learned powerful magics, and made countless raids on the surface world. Their world under the twin moons of Sosaria grew each year. Deep in the earth, their empire grew. The Cities of the Underdark have always been enveloped in strife. The denizens of the deep make constant war against rival Cities. Throughout this waring realm, trade flurishes. It was also upon Lolth's command that a presence be established on the surface, too destroy the hordes of fae creatures, and enact vengeance against the light-filled realms. Qu'ellar Myrdaruk took a hold on the surface, under the guidance of Matron Mother Ilynra. And there, the grand House will conquer the realms in the name of Lolth, the Spider Queen.

Worship of the Spider Queen: Lolth (Lohlth), the Queen of the Demonweb pits. She is the Goddess of the Drow; maintaining a ruthless, tyrannical reign over the Drow, ruling through a combination of fear and a promise of power. It was Lolth who first spread evil among the elves, and it was she who led the drow to break away from the rest of Elven society and to dwell underground. Drow scoff at any attempt to suggest that they were banished from the surface. Nevertheless, Lolth has sworn vengeance against the elven pantheon and their peoples.
Lolth has laid down two cardinal goals for the drow. The first is the rulership of the realms of the Underdark. Weaker races can be eliminated, stronger ones can wait until the drow have gained in strength. Drow may be chaotic, but they are very intelligent, acutely sensitive with wit and senses, and good strategists, all qualities which Lolth has taught and developed in them. The second goal is the extermination of surface elves and the conquest of their lands.
Her realm, the Demonwebpits, lies in the Abyss, a realm of utter evil, where daemons make their home. Lolth constantly turns one drow against another. She claims to do this to cull out the weak and to make the race strong, but she is a cruel and capricious diety who enjoys watching others suffer. Lolth expects her people to be shrewd, calculating, and aware of the dangers and opportunities around them. She has no use for sentiment, weakness, or love.
The Priestesses of Lolth serve as absolute rulers in the name of their Goddess. They act as judge, jury, executioners, leaders, and police. Lolth's clergy is exclusively female and organized into a rigid heirarchy. The Spider Queen maintains her absolute rule over drow cities by means of her clergy, who tirelessy seek out and destroy all traces of dissent, disobedience, ribal faith, or sacrilege and who ruthlessly enforce the Way of Lolth. The Spider Queen foments unending chaos in drow society and sets the drow eternally at war with each other both for her own amusement and to prevent complacency, runaway pride from asserting itself, or the rise of other faiths

Dogma of Lolth: Fear is as strong as steel, while love and respect are soft and useless. Convert or destroy non-believer Drow. Weed out the weak and the rebellious. Destroy impugners of the faith. Sacrifice males, slaves, and those of other races that ignore the commands of Lolth or her clerics. Raise children to praise and fear Lolth, each family should produce at least one daughter to serve her. Questioning Lolth's wisdom or motives is a sin, as is aiding nondrow against the drow, or ignoring Lolth's commands for the sake of a lover. Revere arachnids of all kinds; those who kill or maim a spider must die.

History of Lolth:
As Araushnee, Lolth was once a lesser power of the Seldarine and the consort of Corellon Larethian. She was the patron of artisans, the goddess of elven destiny, and -- later by Corellon's decree {she had him completely entranced by her grace and beauty for she was the opposite of Corellon in every way. Woman to his man, darkness to his light, artisian to his warriorness}-- the keeper of those elves who shared her darkly beautiful features. The Weaver of Destiny bore Corellon twin godlings --Vhaeraun and Eilistraee -- before she turned against her lover and betrayed him. When her many plots failed as a result of Corellon's skill at arms and Sehanine's interference, Araushnee raised a host of hostile powers -- the anti-Seldarine-- to assault Arvandor. Despite the treachery of Araushnee, and to a certain extent, Vhaeraun, the assault failed and the perfidy of Corellon's consort and son were revealed as guilty. By order of the Council of the Seldarine, Araushnee was transformed into a spider-shaped tanar'ri and banished to the Abyss.

As an Abyssal Lord, Araushnee assumed the name Lolth and conquered a considerable portion of that foul plane, driving off Ghaunadar and subjugating Kiaransalee in the process. The Spider Queen then turned her attentions towards corrupting the mortal children of the Seldarine and reclaiming her divinity. In the centuries that followed, Lolth's machinations among the elves cluminated in the Crown Wars, and eventually the descent of the drow into the Underdark, but by that time she had enmeshed most of the dark-skinned Ilythiiri, now drow in her webs and engendered the death of countless elves, and the destruction of much of elven civilization.

This is the site of worship for the drow; the temple of the wicked Spider Queen Lolth.