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Creating your Drow

Creating and becoming a Drow: All players who wish to join the Qu'ellar must begin a new with a brand new character. No character that is previously developed will be allowed to enter the guild, unless their is sufficient role-play background available. Before creating a character the player must contact a guild leader with their intentions, either through ICQ, mIRC, of the new members section of our Message Board. Once the player has come in contact with a member, then a new Drow can be created. Drow have black skin (or in our case, very dark brown). And their hair is extremely white( or very light grey), which can be of most styles. Drow are proud of their appearance, and nice hair is something Drow like. Topknots, receeding, and mohawk would be considered outlandish.

As for the initial allocation of stat points and skills, this is really up to you. It is suggested that you allocate at least 30-40 strength points, cause it won't be fun spending your time as a ghost. Historically, Drow are naturally good at hiding, have an inherint resistance to magic, and possess some skill at magery. Resist and Magery are good initial investments if you don't have any other hard skills to develop.

Once you create your character, which is located in Felluca, you should make your way to our guild-holdings on the surface. A map can be found here. Once you arrive and find a member, you will undergo a short evaluation. The small test covers character creation details, as well as the information contained on the site. After that you will probably be sponsored onto the guildstone as a Wanre. This is your initiation period. It serves two purposes, to help you develop your character (Skills and persona), meet with other members, and gives you enough time to decide if you want to become a full fledged member. It also gives the leaders a chance to evaluate your roleplaying abilities.

Keep in mind you can be removed from the stone for any reason during this time.

In order to move onto rank two, the lowest rank of full members, each character must complete a small series of tests to assure the leadership of some basic skills, abilities, and RP attitude. All members, not just leaders, will be watching you as your a Wanre. You should be tested by the appropriate caste leader, or any of the various leaders. The initiation period will last anywhere from a week to one month, and the following must be completed before the Wanre will be promoted:

1. Achieve a reasonable level skillwise in the appropriate skill groups. (60-70)
2. Be minimally capable of surviving in RP battles.
3. Participate in at least one RP event with other Drow.
4. Demonstrate the ability to respect your fellow players, Drow and otherwise.
5. Post a short introduction on our forums, as well as post a roleplaying story of some sort. You will need to set up a forum account. If you need help writing a story, ask for it. The story can either be an in-game account of what happened, or a entirely fictional account.

Xun izil dos phuul quarthen, lueth dro.
~Do as you are ordered, and live~

Naming your Drow: Since this is the first thing another player will see when dealing with your character, choosing a name is a very important part of the process. Your character will not be allowed in the guild with an innapropriate name. (Leet Killah, CaPt SpAnkY, Darkbringer). Ask before you create the character, if you are unsure about a name. Try to avoid a combination of Drow words as a name, although thats just preference.

Female names: Akordia, Aluaniira, Alystin, Angaste, Ardulace, Aunrae, Baltana, Belarbreena, Briza, Burryna, Chalithra, Charinida, Chessintra, Dhaunae, Dilynrae, Drisinil, Eclavdra, Elvanshae, Elvanshalee, Elveraema, Erelda, Faeryl, Felyndiira, Filaere, Gaussra, G'deldrria, Ginafae, Greyanna, Haelra, Halavin, Halisstra, Ilivarra, Ilmra, Imrae, Inidil, Irae, Irruit, Iymril, Hganniss, Jhaelryna, Jhulae, Jyslin, Laele, Larynda, Lirdnolu, Lualyrr, Malice, Maya, Micarlin, Minolin, Molyvayas, Myrymma, Nathrae, Nedylene, Nyliira, Olorae, Pellanisstra, Phaere, Phyrra, Quarra, Quave, Quilue, Rauva, Rilrae, Sabal, Sabrae, ShriNeerune, Shurdriira, Shyntlara, SiNafay, Ssaspriina, Talabrina, Talice, Triel, T'risstree, Ulviirala, Umrae, Viconia, Vierna, Vlondril, Waerva, Wuyondra, Xullrae, Xune, Yasraena, Zarra, Zebeyana, Zesstra, Zilvra.

Male names: Adinirahc. Alak, Alton, Amalica, Antatlab, Baragh, Belgos, Berg'inyon, Bhintel, Bruherd, Calimar, Chaszmyr, Dinin, Dipree, Divolg, Drizzt, Duagloth, Durdyn, Elkantar, Filraen, Gelroos, Ghaundan, Gomph, Hatch'net, Houndaer, Ilmryn, Ilphrin, Istolil, Ranaghar, Istorvir, Jarlaxle, Jeggred, Kalannar, Kelnozz, Krenaste, Krondorl, Lesaonar, Lyme, Malaggar, Masoj, Merinid, Mourn, Nalfein, Nilonim, Nym, Ghaundar, Omareth, Orgoloth, Pharaum, Quevven, Quild, Relonor, Riklaunim, Rizzen, Ryld, Ryltar, Sabrar, Seldszar, Shar, Nadal, Solaufein, Tarlyn, Tathlyn, Tebryn, Tluth, Tsabrak, Urlryn, Valas, Vorn, Wuzlyn, Welverin, Wode, Yazston, Zaknafein

These are the proper skin colors for a newly created Drow. I believe this brown is the most pleasing look, but any dark shade is permissable. Any skin that is too off from a acceptable shade will cause the character to not be accepted.

Macros: Some great warcries:
"For House and Lolth!"
"Whol Lolth!"
"Oloth plynn dos!"
"Praise be, to the Queen of Spiders!"

Other races of the Underdark: There are a few other races that are allowed in Qu'ellar Myrdaruk. These other races do not, however, hold the same status as the drow of Qu'ellar Myrdaruk.

The Illithid: A race of powerful psionic humanoids.
The Duergar - Grey Dwarves: Clan DeepEye, a Grey Dwarf clan held as slaves by the Drow.