
The Trouble With the World Today, and The Truth About Computers, both written by S.P.A.M., or the Governmental Abolitionists.

Room 23 Quotes

Suicidal Babies Theory- written by The Great Devine Evil

Have you ever been stumped for a good dare in Truth or Dare? Well, here's a list of dares.
Rated NC-17

Though the idea was not one of mine, it was put into my own words.-Wet Monkey Syndrome Explanation

Application forms that I created in my spare time.

The Famed Problems with Girls from Suburbia one and two

The Theory of Dinner and Relationships

I'm still working on putting in more of my 'writings' but when I do, they will be informative, vaugely clean, and more useful than the bread slicing machine, which most people don't know about.


Because we are still working on the site in it's entirety, the alias Mr. Scribe will request that any viewer who see's this write to me.