What is wet monkey syndrome? It's not a disorder, it's a form of mind. Wet monkey syndrom is a frame of intelligence discovered by the lab coats. It all starts in a zoo...

It first starts with 5 monkeys. Let's call them A, B, C, D, and E. ABCD and E are in a cage with a flight of stairs with a bastket of fruit at the top. The monkeys play for a while, then try to climb the stairs to the fruit. When they try, they're blasted with water. This happens many times, then the monkeys give up. Mr. Scientist takes away monkey A, B, and C. Then Mr. Scientist brings in 3 new monkeys, 1, 2, and 3. These monkeys play around for a bit, then try to climb the stairs. Monkey D and E go ape crazy, and stop 1, 2, and 3 from climbing the stairs, because D and E don't want to get wet. Soon Monkeys 1, 2 and 3 stop trying to climb the stairs. Monkeys D and E are removed and two new monkeys come in. The new monkeys try to climb the stairs, and monkeys 1, 2, and 3 stop the new monkeys from going up until they stop trying to ascend the stairs. This is the Wet-Monkey syndrome.

The later monkeys do what the previous monkeys did, until none of the monkeys knew what they were trying to stop. This is represented in many places, such as governments, the press, and even the military. Be aware at all times...

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