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Edison Martial Arts Academy
1655-298 Oak Tree Rd
Edison, NJ 08820
(732) 548-2660


Junior Black
First Degree
Second Degree

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  1. Introduction
  2. Kick Chart
  3. Punch Chart
  4. Move List


Though in school, you may have learned certain techniques such as "Skip Lead Leg Hook Kick" or "Jump Turning Back Kick", these really aren't that complicated. A kick name is actually a combination of words and phrases that specify what your body does at certain points. Take "Skip Lead Lead Leg Hook Kick". We have "Skip" which means we start the kick off by bringing our back foot to our lead foot. Then "Lead Leg", which tells us that our lead leg is the kicking leg. "Hook" means that the leg will hook. Finally, "Kick", which redundant because you can't punch using a leg.
As a result, we can eliminate certain phrases from the mix. "Skip Lead Leg Hook Kick" becomes "Skip Lead Hook Kick". However, when one is naming a kick, he/she must take note that eliminating too many phrases can result in ambiguity among students. So, it is preferable to put in all necessary phrases when naming a technique.
Below is a chart which will show the most common phrases that would be used when putting together a kick. The punch chart below that is more simple because punches don't have as many modifiers. Note that certain combinations would be impossible to perform, while others have special cases in which more than one way can be used to achieve the effect. I hope I haven't bored you too much with this introduction.
Further down, we have a list of all these modifiers and what would you would do if you were issued a command to do a certain technique.

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Kick Chart

Beginning Movement Leg Indicator Number of Kicks Kick
[none] Lead Leg [none] Front Kick
Skip Back Leg Double Round Kick
Cross Right Leg Triple Side Kick
Fast Step Left Leg   Crushing Heel Kick
Step Away     Ax Kick
Jump     Tai Round Kick
Turning     Hover Tai Round Kick
Jump Turning     Crescent Kick
Jump Back     Hook Kick
      Outer Edge Kick
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Punch Chart

Hand Indicator Punch
Lead Jab
Back Punch
Right Hook Punch
Left Upper Cut
  Tilt Punch
  Ridge Hand
  Back Hand Strike

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Move List

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Kicks Back To Top
Beginning Movement Back To Top
Skip Skip is very similar to Fast Step. However, there are a couple of differences that separate the two. The Skip is when you quickly move your back leg above the ground to your lead leg.
Cross Take your back leg and cross it over the lead leg so your feet will be twisted together with your back leg in front.
Fast Step Fast Step is very similar to Skip. However, there are a couple of differences that separate the two. The Fast Step is when you quickly move your back foot WHICH STAYS ON THE GROUND to your lead leg.
Step Away Move your lead leg closer to your back leg.
Jump Exert a heavy pressure upon your foot in order to propel your entire body upwards. (Basically, JUMP!)
Turning Turn your body to the side which your back leg is on.
Jump Turning Jump and turn while in mid-air. This maneuver is slightly more difficult than the others.
Jump Back Jump while throwing yourself backwards in order to move back. Used most often with the Power Chuggie.
Leg Indicator Back To Top
Lead Leg Your lead leg is the leg that is farther forward of the two. This is relative to your stance. If you have switched from a stance, the lead leg will also switch.
Back Leg Your back leg is the leg that is farther back of the two. This is relative to your stance. If you have switched from a stance, the lead leg will also switch.
Right Leg Your right leg is the leg to your right. If you don't know your right from left, you can put both hands up so they would form an L shape, and the hand that is not an inverted L but the regular L is your left hand.
Left Leg Your left leg is the leg to your left. If you don't know your right from left, you can put both hands up so they would form an L shape, and the hand that is not an inverted L but the regular L is your left hand.
Number of Kicks Back To Top
Double This modifier can only be used if there is a supporting leg while you are kicking. By doing double, you would keep the kicking leg in the air and execute an additional kick.
Triple This modifier can only be used if there is a supporting leg while you are kicking. By doing triple, you would keep the kicking leg in the air and execute two additional kicks.
Kick Back To Top
Front Kick The front kick is when you bring your knee up and thrust your leg out in front of you. The area you hit it with is the ball of your foot, which is the area to which your toes are connected to. Do not confuse this with the heel of a foot.
Round Kick The round kick is when you raise the kicking leg and pivot while firing the leg at a circular angle to the target while the leg is bent slightly. The area you hit it with is the instep of your foot, which is the top.
Side Kick The side kick is a kick fired from the side of the body. The area you hit the target with is the sole of your foot.
Crushing Heel Kick Your crushing heel kick is taken when you bring your foot in a D shape to a high point, then drop it down. The area you hit the target with is your heel.
Ax Kick The ax kick is like the crushing heel kick except it has a straight up, straight down movement, unlike the crushing heel kick's D shape. The area you hit the target with is your heel.
Tai Round Kick The tai round kick is when you bring your foot up in the motion of the round kick but then bring it down. The area you hit the target with is the ball of your foot.
Hover Tai Round Kick The hover tai round kick is the tai round kick (see above) except you bring the foot up the motion of a front kick, swivel it into the round kick position then bring it down. The area you hit the target with is the ball of your foot.
Crescent Kick The crescent kick is the round kick with a straight leg. The area you hit the target with is the instep of your foot.
Hook Kick The hook kick is the striking of the target with your heel in a closing movement of your foot. The area you hit it with is the heel of your foot.
Outer Edge Kick The outer edge kick is very vague kick. It has the same movement of the hook kick, but instead of striking the target with your hook kick, instead you hit it with the outer edge, the outer side (right on the right foot and vice versa), of the foot.
Punches Back To Top
Hand Indicator Back To Top
Lead The hand in front of you. This is relative to your stance. If you have switched from a stance, the lead hand will also switch.
Back The hand in back of you. This is relative to your stance. If you have switched from a stance, the back hand will also switch.
Your right hand. If you don't know your right from left, you can put both hands up so they would form an L shape, and the hand that is not an inverted L but the regular L is your left hand.
Left Your left hand. If you don't know your right from left, you can put both hands up so they would form an L shape, and the hand that is not an inverted L but the regular L is your left hand.
Punch Back To Top
Jab Jab is similar to the punch, just quicker and more impact.
Punch Punch is more of a power move.
Hook Punch Hook punch travels in a circular motion to the target from the side.
Upper Cut Upper cut travels in an arc from below.
Tilt Punch Tilt punch is when you lunge forward with a punch while lifting your back leg.
Ridge Hand Ridge hand is striking the target with an open, rigid hand.
Back Hand Strike Back hand strike is a fist that hits the target using the back of it.

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