The Suggestion Box

In here, you can send suggestions to the Webmistress for additional content on the site, or comments about problems that need to be addressed.

In addition, from here you can send answers to questions from the Webmistress. As well, you can ask a question be put up here for input from other members and visitors and have the answers be sent to you.

Questions from the Webmistress

1) Would anyone be interested in Sisterhood merchandise being sold? (As a way to subsidize costs of the Sisterhood, such as upgrading the site to support .php and increased space and bandwidth. Should the Sisterhood grow significantly larger, selling merchandise may also subsidize the publishing of a Sisterhood newsletter/magazine.)

Yes                 No

2) Should the Sisterhood grow significantly larger (at least 20 members), would anyone be interested in a newletter or magazine being published by the Sisterhood? (Content would most likely contain editorials and/or essays archived on the site, as well as fics (preferrably original, but maybe fan, if we can figure out a way to do it without getting sued by the copyright owners), artwork, and newsworthy bits.)

Yes                 No

3) Assuming interest in the topic of question 2, what would your preferred format be?

Magazine                 Newsletter

4) Assuming interest in the topic of question 1, what would you prefer to see sold by the Sisterhood?
                                                                T-shirts                                 Hats
                                                                Posters                                  Bumper stickers
                                                                      Something other than what's listed


Questions from Members

Currently none.

The Suggestion Box




The Letter of the NewsEssays and Editorials!Take the Challenge!
Check the Roster!Discover the Darkness and the ANGST!!Submit thy Works!
Banners, Badges, and Assorted Buttons!The Suggestion Box!Links and Rings!