The Rite of Passage

The Standardized Beginning



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What Have You Written? (include links)

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And now for the real test...

Question One: You've just written a story. Describe your main character, Mary Sue.
A) A brutally destitute woman, living a hollow existence.
B) A sweet, innocent girl, about to be sadly disillusioned by the hardships of life.
C) Normal, plain, almost attractive, but she can't quite stand out in a crowd; if only someone could see her...
D) A wretched sarcophagus of a dead soul...


Question Two: Mary Sue walks down the street. What does she see?
A) The same damn things she sees every fucking day. Her life is a monotonous, destitute hell.
B) She sees a brand new day, just waiting for her. Today is special. Today is the day she'll grasp her heart's desire.
C) Everything is bright and beautiful... But all she can feel, all she can see and hear right now is her own screaming thoughts.


Question Three: Describe the person of Mary's affection.
A) Everything she'll never fucking have.
B) Perfect, beautiful; almost too good to be true...
C) Mary's idealism blocks her from seeing how her love, so proud and perfect, is really a self-involved egotist who'll never be capable of affection.
D) They're dead. Brutally slaughtered right before her eyes.


Question Four: Mary eagerly takes out her diary and begins to write. What is on the page?
A) My life is a fucking sham. Everything I want is always outside my pathetic, worthless grasp. I try and kill this pain you send into me but the bastard won't die... I love you, you ignorant, beautiful whore, I'll always love you. I'm so damned...
B) I love you so much... Why can't we be together? Can't you see how much I love you?
C) I could love you. If you let me. I know I'm small and plain and unimportant... And when you look at me like that, every single time I wish I could die. But the worst thing is... I'd do it again. Each and every time. Break me. Please...
D) Today is the worst day of my life. Life sucks away all my happiness, replacing it with pain and death. Now all I can do is end it all... *takes out a razor*


Question Five: You are now God. What will you do with poor, little Mary?
A) She'll writhe inside her living emotional prision until everything inside her is dead and buried under her desire and pain.
B) She gets to live out her life in regret forever, never being able to taste true love.
C) She's too weak to start over, instead she'll choose to relive her pain... One day at a time...
D) Kill her off in a horrible and gruesome manner, of course, possibly taking someone else to hell with her.




If you really want to take the Rite of Passage into the Sisterhood, but for some reason can't send the form, you can in-line the information to the Sisterhood Web-mistress through a standard email send.

Here's the guidelines for you: (take out the stuff in paratheises)

Gender= (so we know to call you a brother or a sister, not just women are angsty/dark bitches! ^_^)
Author= (yes/no)
WrittenWorks= (links are good, be sure to include the _entire_ URL and double check for typos)
Why= (reason you want to join the Sisterhood)
Archive= (do you want your fics hosted on-site?)
E-mail2= (do you want your e-mail addy linked to from the site?)
List= (do you want to be on the update notification list?)
Q1= (multiple choice, put down the letter of your answer)

Then just send it to, and she'll get it to it likely no later than 24 hours after you send it, and quite possibly sooner. (Though, if she doesn't get to it right away, there are likely extranious circumstances involved, like her off-line life. In which case, she apologizes profusely, but promises to get to it ASAP!)


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