Submit Thy Attempts

This page is dedicated to reciepting your attempts at Angst, Dark, and (at times) Death fics.

We do host original fiction as well as fan fiction here, provided that it meets our qualification standards and is from a member in good standing of the Sisterhood.

And once again, it didn't work. Back to E-mail submission. -_-;

The current style of the page is a work in progress, and may or may not actually work. If, for some reason, you find yourself unable to send via this page, or if you recieve a message from the Web-mistress stating that the information was not recieved or was garbled, please submit it to the Web-mistress directly via with the following information:

Your Name.

The Title of Your Fic.

Any Pairings In The Fic.

Any Series In The Fic.

The Fic itself.

Note: This site is not automated and is processed by hand. Therefore, it may take up to two to three days (or sometimes longer...) for your fic to be input onto the Archives.


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