The Letter of the News

00:02:15 CST

          Whoa! RL interference again! We're back up and running now.

          Welcome our newest brother to the fold! Brother Sanjanus, Broodmeister, is now one of the Sisterhood!

          The Sisterhood has taken over the management of the FrightWrite web Ring.

11:58:23 CST

          Links and Rings page added. Webrings have been moved from front page to here, making things much cleaner up there.

          New buttons again on the front page. These are likely to be the final design for a while. Hopefully, anyway.

          The Archive has been updated! Story by Sister Nitae: Someone Not For You. Rejoice in the Darkness and the ANGST!!

          Sister Nitae Huntress has proven herself before the Sisterhood and has been advanced in rank to Willing Degenerate! Congratulations, Sister Nitae!

          The Roster has been updated.

          All images on site have been converted to .jpg format to conserve space and hopefully decrease loading time for the pages.

          The Banners, Badges, and Assorted Buttons page has been updated. It is now possible to request personalized ID badges for Sisterhood members that choose not to archive anything on this site.


          Once again RL decides to give the Webmistress a massive beating. Time out to recover! Back tomorrow with massive updates! In other news, the Sisterhood is now officially a month old... now isn't that nifty?

00:15:01 CST

          Joined webrings! The Sisterhood is now a part of: CliqueBitch, The Esoteric Order of Screwy Dames, The Misfits Webring, The Darker Side of Writing, and The FrightWrite Web Ring.

01:23:11 CST

          New buttons on the main page.

          Joined webrings! The Sisterhood is now a part of: Dark Maestro's Entangled Web, Circle of Horror, and Visions of Darkness.

23:45:17 CST

          The Rite page has been updated. Now added: Notification list question.

23:57:23 CST

          The News page has been added to the site.

          The Essays and Editorials page has been added to the site. Essay and editorial submissions from members (and applying members!) are now being accepted on angst/dark/death fic writing, reviews, critiquing, and other on-topic topics. Send in the same as fics.

          The Suggestion Box has been added to the site.

09:13:29 CST

          The Archive has been updated! Broken links to Sister Cas's fics have been repaired.

12:32:09 CST

          The Submit page has been updated! Due to excessive errors with the code of the automated submission, page has been returned to e-mail submission only. In-line and attachment are both supported.

          The Rite page has been updated! Questions added: Gender (let's encourage our lovely male bitches and pimp daddies of angst to join us in our fight!), E-mail connection from site, and Fic Hosting.

14:26:17 CST

          The Archive has been updated!
          Fics by Sister Alithea: Ripping Her Wings, Broken Under Me, and Erato, Melpomene, and Joni Mitchell.
          Fics by Sister Cas: Empty In Between, Erase And Rewind, Get You Alone, Now Is Mine, She's My Heroine, Take To The Sky, Artificial Sweetener, I Was Hoping, One Small Choice, and Starting The End.
          Fics by Sister Raven: Blood Deep, Even After, Be Seeing You, Fleeting, The Brink of Your Mind, Rustic Ghosts, Wash Away, In Dreams, Lost In The Rain, and The Taken Series. Rejoice in the Darkness and the ANGST!!

          The Roster has been updated!

          Welcome our newest sister to the fold! Sister Nitae Huntress, Broodmeister, has joined the Sisterhood!


          Angst Interval as the Webmistress beats her life into order. Sorry for the delays!

03:45:12 CST

          Welcome our newest sister to the fold! Sister Raven, Joy Slayer, is now one of the Sisterhood!

08:57:43 CST

          The Sisterhood Site has been updated with graphics! We now have banners, badges, and a button for those who wish to link to us, rank buttons for siggies, and two ID Badges for Alithea and Kat. For more info, check out the Banners, Badges, and Buttons page.

          The Archive has been updated!
          Fics by Sister Kat: Officially Dead, Overdue, Daddy's Girl, Rules of the Game, Closure, My Immortal, One Night Stand, Predicate, It's Come To This, and She Knows. Rejoice in the Darkness and the ANGST!!

          The Roster has been updated!

          Welcome our newest sister to the fold! Sister Cas, Joy Slayer, is now one of the Sisterhood!

15:32:20 CST

          Welcome our newest sister to the fold! Sister Kat, Psycho With Sharp Objects, is now one of the sisterhood!

08:16:35 CST

          The Archives have arrived!
          Fics from Sister Alithea: Sometimes and Often, Cry Wolf, Sparks of Shadow and Flame, To Perfect Understanding, I Am A Shadow Dark And Cold, You and I, and Pretty Things. Rejoice in the Darkness and the ANGST!

16:04:04 CST

          Welcome our newest sister to the fold! Sister Alithea, Dragon of Destruction, is now one of the Sisterhood!

          Welcome our newest sister to the fold! Sister Lilandra, Broodmeister, is now one of the Sisterhood!

          Our second Declaration of Independance from WAFF is made! (link at Slayer Pride)

09:36:45 CST

          Our first Declaration of Independance from WAFF is made! (Shoujo-Ai Forum: Topic: Dark and Angsty B***hes UNITE!!)

          Welcome our newest brother to the fold! Brother Dan, Pimp Daddy of Angst, is now one of the Sisterhood!

21:15:23 CST

          The Foxy Bitches of Angst (Sisters Rio and Siobhan) first Found the Sisterhood of Dark and Angsty Bitches. There is much rejoicing! Yay!



The Letter of the NewsEssays and Editorials!Take the Challenge!
Check the Roster!Discover the Darkness and the ANGST!!Submit thy Works!
Banners, Badges, and Assorted Buttons!The Suggestion Box!Links and Rings!