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The Wolf Moon

As I wander through the darkness lost and alone, my path dark and overgrown my paws sore and bleeding from the path I have traveled

I look back along the path I have traveled and see only my tracks, they are alone though at times there is other tracks that travel along side me they never stay.

I see the moon up ahead shining through the darkness lighting my path her beauty awaking my dead heart to strange new feelings a longing arises in my soul.

If I could only reach out my paw and touch her that longing would be for filled

She seems so near yet I know she is so far away from me.

I let loose with a long mournful cry howling into the darkness crying to my moon and I feel her presence beside me filling the emptiness inside my heart and for the time she is with me I feel whole like I have never felt before.

It is a strange and wonderful feeling. Yet each night as the sun rises she leaves me, and I am again alone though I hold her memory in my heart.

One day I will travel that distance between us and we will be as one complete in one another never to be parted at each sunrise.

One day I will be one with my moon.

Written By Douglas S Britton ©

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