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Into The Light

Into The Light

As I wander through the darkness lost and alone I hear a distant howl, a howl so familiar but yet one I have never heard before.

I feel a stir in my cold dead heart but it is quickly gone, a feeling I don’t want because so often I have been hurt when I let the my heart rule my mind.

I begin to follow the distant howl the lure to strong to ignore, as I draw closer to the source of the alluring howl I catch a glimpse of a wondrous and beautiful she wolf and I stop dead in my tracks.

I turn my head towards the moon and let loose with a long and mournful cry which is quickly answered, as I hear the howl I feel the stir in my heart again like a thing long forgotten something left long in the past.

Allowing myself a glimmer of hope I prowl out of the darkness and walk cautiously up to her wondering how any lady wolf, so beautiful could be so alone lost in this darkness

I approach her, my muzzle pointed towards the ground, my eyes looking everywhere but at her not wanting to scare her away after just now finding her. I look up at her as I draw near and I lose myself in her eyes and I find myself standing there staring in wonder.

I feel as though I have known her before as I stand there staring, its as though we have always known one another and then its as though something unspoken passes between us, and we are off running through the darkness no longer will we ever be alone and lost for we have found one another.

No longer will I dream and hope for the day the hunters bullet will find me for I now know the reason I live and the wolf I am meant for she is a lady wolf from my past and I have always known her but never known where to find her, now however we are together forever never to be parted again.

Written By Douglas S Britton ©

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Email: LostWolf1@Aol.Com