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Heaven’s not Enough



I sit here in silence my sorrow heavy, I look to the moon as she hangs there in the night sky.


I Long for release from this life I live I lift my muzzle to howl into the night sky, I howl to the moon so beautiful there in the night sky yet so cold and so far away.


I howl for all the things lost the love the passion everything that makes this life worth living I howl to the moon for but she answers not.


With only the trees and the wind to witness my sorrow I turn and walk slowly into the night, my tail hangs low my ears lay against my head, my only wish to vanish from this life where pain knows me so well.


I can remember the times I was happy I can remember the wonderful she wolf that ran beside me those times it seemed like nothing could make my heart feel the pain it does now.


If I had known where the joy would take me would I have enjoyed those times with her I ask myself, and in an instant I think yes even now that my heart is broken I wouldn’t trade a second in time for the moments we spent with one another.


Pain so deep a pain that I will never live again my life is death and pain I have only to breath one last breath my dead heart is already still.


I have already been forgotten my passing through this life as though a whisper in a room full of sound, never heard never seen and never to be missed.