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The Watchers in the Void

As I spend my endless days laying here in my cage I begin to notice that not all that come to see me look at me with laughter in there souls. Some look at me with sadness in there eyes, they feel my pain and want to help if only they knew how.

There is some that see me with eyes that can see beyond the fur I wear, they can see into my soul and I begin to look forward to there visits.

Each day I look to see if those I have come to believe are my friends are there in the never-ending faces that come to see me.

Each time I see one of those that I have come to know my heavy heart grows lighter for a period, but at the end of each day when I am left alone in my cage to sit and think and look at the moon I still dream of the endless night when I will not wake up and my pain will be over.

Written By Douglas S Britton ©

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Email: LostWolf1@Aol.Com