This is a lovely ibis. As we came into the park, we saw the most GORGEOUSLY picturesque ibis standing in the exact centre of a rock, head bent skyward.. We said "Wow that's a lovely statue," and I considered getting a picture of it... said nah, it's just a statue, and walked on.. That's when it flew to the top of this tree to pout at me for not capturing it in its most picturesque moment ever. Sorry!

I had to get another picture of the Rockabilly club.. See the last picture of Page 3 to get a complete description on just what in Elvis' green Earth is going on here.. ^.^

Nana picture.. two mallards and a white koi...

Another duck pic.

Native Japanese duck, I love the coloring, it's really pretty..

Closeup of gold foil on a Shinto shrine.. its amazing how much gold is used in all of the shrines and temples..

This poor tree is covered tip to toe with New Year's Fortunes.. if they're bad (or you simply don't want to carry yours around) you're supposed to tie it to a tree, with the end-product being several dozen trees on this shrine's grounds that look just like this one...

Shinto priests are sneaky and fast. One was waving the paper wand that you can see in this picture over the two seated, but he put it down and left before I could get my camera ready.. grrr!!

Giant moving crab on a crab restaurant in Kyoto... spooky.. reminds me of those spider crabs *shudder!*

THE ZAPHOD RESTAURANT. "Family Yakiniku Restaurant" Here's the deal... for ten dollars, you get all you can eat meat, (plus a lot of other foods on the buffet). They give you HUGE platters (see picture) of meat (two different cuts of beef plus chicken), a pit in the table (see picture) covered with grill, and FIRE!! You cook the meat yourself with chopsticks. When you're done with that platter, you ring a button and they bring more.. I've only been there the one time, with Josh, but probably the best deal for your money anywhere in Japan. AND you get to play with FIRE!!! WOW!!!

Meat cooking... FUN. Incentive for Zaph and any other meat-eating friends to come and visit! ^.^

View through main temple gate of Kyoto... looks much like Osaka from up here.

PAGE 1... PAGE 2... PAGE 3... PAGE 4...


7 pages of Photo Fun!!
Birthday photos!!
(Infamous) Trip to Galveston
Moving Jimmy and Stephanie to Wisconsin
The last few pre-departure pics!
First set of pictures from Japan!
First week in Japan, pictures from the dorms
Osaka Castle pics^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Osaka Castle pics Page2
October PicturesPage 1. . . .Page 2. . . .Page 3. . . . Page 4

CHECK OUT THESE OTHER PAGES!!! (Some have pics of me, and many of the ppl my journal talks about!!"):

Josh and Meredith's Page
Mike's Page, check out Matt's Bday pics at Hakkenden.

Home, sweet home pics