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13 people trapped in an elevator.

1. Amanda
2. Ashley
3. Ashton
4. Brad
5. Drew
6. Faran
7. Jared
8. Joe
9. Matt Y.
10. Nicole
11. Suzanne
12. Theresa
13. Tyler


A Glimpse of the inside. That's us being trapped.

We're FAMOUS! Here we are being helped out of the elevator.


Amanda -

It was kind of cool. I mean when we first got on we were trying to see how many people (12) we could fit in the elevator. will we went up to the 2nd floor(i think) and that's where Ashton got on (making it 13). We got to the 4th floor where the doors opened slightly then shut back and proceeded to go to the 5th floor. We got stuck between the 4th and 5th floor. We started screaming to get some help. Then we found the alarm. Didn't stop pressing it. We took pictures because we thought it was kind of funny. But the hotel staff didn't seem to think it was. Oh, well. Most of us thought it was cool. And Joe saved us. *go georgia boy!*

Ashley -

It was quite the experience, I have never been stuck in an elevator, but it was pretty fun. Just imagine it, 13 kids, stuck in there, pushing the alarm button over and over and over. Great fun.

Ashton -

i thought the whole being trapped in the elevator was fun. I was jus chillin. It got really hot and sum people were freaking out. Sum people considered it a memory and were taking pictures. (ive got 1) it was nice to get out of there and get sum air!

Faran -

Trapped in a hysterical fit of claustrophobia - crushed by giants (Jared and Tyler) suffocated and blinded bye the flashes of paparazzi when the elevator door opens!

copyright 2001-2003