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Thanks for stopping by the NEW Prayer page. I hope you will use this page often. Prayer is so very important in our fellowship with God, yet it is something that receives a lot of lipservice, but not as much action. Prayer is a powerful tool that God has given to us and we should use it often. As with any tool, if it is not used and maintained, it will lose it's effectiveness.

Please post your Prayer Requests that you might have. I assure you that they will be prayed for and you will receive a personal response by email. Please view and pray for previously posted Requests that have been posted by others.
I would like to thank Guestworld for hosting this Prayer Request message board.
You can also enter the Intercessor Prayer web ring below. It's exciting to see such a presence of prayer on the internet. Also, email me updates and praise reports, it's so exciting to see how God answers prayer.

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"Intercession: love on it's knees in prayer !"
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