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You Know You Are Korean If...

You KNoe U r koReAn if............ 


    1. The furniture in your house never matches the wallpaper, the carpet, the decorations or any of the rest of the furniture.
    2. You have rocks, sticks, leaves, deer antlers, and strange smelling, unknown substances in your pantry for use in medicine
    3. You own a rice cooker or two.
    4. You buy soy sauce by the gallon.
    5. Your family owns butcher knives bigger than your head.
    6. You live with your Hal-moh-nee.
    7.You parents own a liquor store, dry cleaner, or some kind of discount store
    8. You drive a lowered, fixed up integra, eclipse, or some kind of Honda
    9. You never tip over 15%
    10. You hate Denny's, even though you go there 24-7
    11. You love Sanrio stuff
    12. You have a pager
    13. You do that twirling thingie with you pen
    14. You always have a box of Sapporo Ichiban ramyun or Yook-eh-jang
    15. Even though your family isn't super rich, you own a Mercedes or Lexus
    16. You bring home all A's and one B, and your parents yell, "Why did you get a B?"
    17 There is a 75% chance that you'll marry someone with the same last name
    18. White people always say, "Say my name in korean!"
    19. When you have a family gatherin, 50 little kids are running around your house, and YOU have to entertain them
    20. You can't stand Margaret Cho (that actress on All American Girl)
    21. When the bill comes, you practically beat each other up- saying that YOU'LL pay for the bill
    22. When you were in Junior High, you were either a nerd or a little "kkang ppeh" wannabe
    23. Your parents say, "The reason why we came to America was so that you could get a good education, so go to Harvard."
    24. You either have to be a doctor, lawyer, or some big-time business tychoon
    25. Your parents say, "1600 isn't that hard...just study."
    26. When some mega-mega nerd student is in the korean newspaper, your parents say, "why can't you be like him?"
    27. If you're a guy, then you always have to put up with the "20 questions" game when you call a girl if her parents answer but if you're smart, you ask, "Um hello? Is Bob there?"
    28. No matter how well your parents speak english, they can't say "wood"
    29. Your dad hits you in the head with his knuckle, and it hurts REALLY REALLY bad
    30, Your parent's idea of a social life is church
    31.You have a container full of Kim-Chee in your fridge right now
    32.You own a pair of BYC socks
    33. You or your parents start singing when drunk
    34.You have the asian decals stuck to your car
    35. Your parents are still shorter than you
    36. You call a korean older than you "Oppah" or "noona"
    37. You make daily stops to the local "Hello Kitty" store
    38. You know the "san-toki" song
    39. Your dad owns plaid pants
    40. You or your parents hand wash underwear
    41. "No-Rae Bang" is a common household word
    42.There's a bottle of Soju in your parents' fridge
    43. Your main source of income is New Years
    44. Your parents think anything goes with rice
    45. The rice you eat can stick to anything
    46.You can't believe your parents could have concieved children
    47.Your parents still spank you, even when you move out
    48.Failing a class means finding a new place to live
    49. Your mom rents korean soap operas and watches them daily
    50. You have naked baby pictures of you
    51.Your parents read the labels of everything to see if it was made in Korea
    52. When you were little, relatives used to grab your genitals or breasts
    53. Your parents yell out your korean name REAL loud in public places
    54. Ramen is the fifth food group
    55. You have to translate for your parents when ordering fast food
    56. Your parents are afraid of black people
    57.Your parents bought a gun after the L.A. riots
    58. Your parents used to cut your hair Okidoki
    59. you tell your parents you need to buy glue for school, but they reply, "just use rice!"
    60. your parent's idea of a social life is church
    61. People ask, "Hey, show me some Jackie Chan moves!"
    62. When someone points you out, they say "that one chinese girl (or guy).
    63. Your parents were ecstatic when the 88 Olympics were held in Korea
    64. You know how to do the "kimchi squat"
    65. If you're a guy- you talk about fixing up the car that you will never have
    66. even though you can't watch tv, your parents rent a million korean videos and watch them continuously for hours on end
    67. your parents took the TV out of the house
    68. your mom sings chan-son-gahs (hymns) while driving
    69. your grandmother sings chan-son-gahs really loud, while pounding her thigh, which is TOTALLY off beat
    70. you have a million black leather bibles
    71. even though your parents are die-hard Christians, they don't want you getting TOO involved with church
    72. when you ask your parents if you can go out, they either reply "No" or "hmph" which means yes.
    73. you go out two fridays in a row, and they yell that you go out too much.
    74. you have one of those silver kimhi-ttongs with buckles on the sides
    75. you have a gazillion small containers in your fridge with a different ban-chan inside. but even though it smells pretty raunchy, you still eat it.
    76. when an asian girl with a white guy (or vice versa) walks by, your parents STARE at them with their eyes popping out.
    77. when you go to buffets, your parents make you eat until you think you're going to hurl, and even after you do, they say, "good, eat more."
    78. your parents yell at you for being short, but they're the ones that gave you the short genes.
    79. your parents raise their hand as if they're going to hit you, and you totally shudder, shrinking back.
    80. The main reason why you want to go to college out of state is that you can get away from your parents
    81. When you go to church retreats, you long for some good ol' Korean cooking.
    82. You have the ability to tell the different Asians apart (ie. Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese).
    83. You go to American restaurants, and your dad eats really wide and rudely, so you put your head down while whispering, "apppaaahhhhh stooopp!"
    84. Your parents make you work at their business (ie liquor store, cleaners, discount store).
    85. You bring home a white friend, and your parents immediately think that he/she sleeps around, uses drugs, and parties 24-7.
    86. Your parents have absolutely no color sense, wearing totally mismatched clothes.
    87. Your parents verbally abuse you, even when joking around.
    88. Your parents never attended your Back to School Night or Open House at school.
    89. Your mom is the BEST cook!
    90. When your mom hears or watches something sad, she'll make this repeated sound really fast like "tte" a million times a minute.
    91. When you're sick, your mom will pink inside of your elbow REALLY hard, saying you have a digestion problem or something.
    92. Your parents were supposed to get a divorce many times, but they never did for the children's sake, financial problems, or simply because, "what would we tell church people?"
    93. Your parents will be helping you with a math problem, but when you get something wrong, they'll start yelling and swearing at you so loud, as if you just committed some deadly crime.
    94. Summer does not mean playtime to your parents. Summer means- bust out those workbooks so you can get ahead in class!
    95. Kumon is a household word.
    96. Whenever guests come over, your parents make you whip out your violin/piano skills.
    97. When guests are leaving your house, you have to stand outside your house saying bye to them, not to mention bowing a gazillion times.
    98. You'll go to a movie with your parents, and afterwards, they'll say "I don't understand."
    99. Your parents never participated in the "American" traditions of Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy. You'll say, "Where's Santa Claus?" and they'll reply, "Santa Claus! Ptch! He's dead!" And then you'll start crying.
    100. When you had your first loose tooth, your parents promised to not to pull it out but just to LOOK at it, but when they did, they just yanked the baby out.
    101. You'll buy a shirt full price, and your parents will yell, "What! You could have bought that for $2 at the swap meet!"
    102. you're going out with a friend and your parents need to know their name, where they live, their phone #, what their parents do for a living, what kind of grades they get, what they got on their SATs, how they dress, if they go to church, and if they're male or female.
    103. After you're get off the phone with someone from the opposite sex, your parents will start interrogating you about that person (except the last one). You'll talk to someone from the opposite sex two days in a row, and your parents immediately think there's something going on.
    104. You bring home straight As, and your parents say, "So? You're supposed to get that!
    105. When I was in Korea...."
    106. When you get a car, the only places you're supposed to go is school, the library, and maybe the grocery store to do grocery shopping for them.
    107. When the doorbell rings, your parents get ALL suspicious and prohibit you from answering it. When they do answer it, they'll open the crack like 1 centimeter and speak through that. And if it's a salesperson, they'll slam the door screaming, "we no interest!"
    108. Your mom will laugh with her hand covering her mouth.
    109. You'll be somewhere with your boyfriend/girlfriend, and then you'll see an adult from church, so you immediately start freaking out.
    110. You had to miss out on Saturday morning cartoons as a child, attending dreaded Korean School.
    111. While on long car trips, your parents will get bored, so they'll think about something that bugs them, and start bugging you. (ie, Why is your room so messy! Why do you always fight with your siblings! Why do you always go out so much!)
    112. You have a mini-van which your mom drives.
    113. Your parents will be yelling at you (or each other) and in the middle of all the roucus, will close the windows so that the neighbors won't hear.
    114. You never feed your dog dogfood but all your leftovers.
    115. You'll be cooking kalbi outside, and neighbors will ask what the aroma is.
    116. You think EVERYTHING is racial, like if someone is mildy rude to you.
    117. When a fixed up Japanese car drives by, you can't help but look to see who's driving.
    118. You go to church retreats to meet people from the opposite sex.
    119. In an all white setting, you'll feel all relieved when you see another asian. But when you're in an all asian-setting, you'll give dirty looks to another asian passerby.
    120. You'll have all this "asian pride" or "Korean Pride" yet know nothing about your culture.
    121. You only listen to Korean music, while detesting "American" music, even though the Korean music you're listening to ORIGINATES from the very same American music
    122. You only talk to the asian people in your class.
    123.You think Koreans are above all other Asians.
    124. You cheat in school.
    125. You are/were in Key Club.
    126. You associate only with Chinese and Japanese, but deem the other asians "dirty".
    127. You always say how you want to go to Korea.
    128. If you do poorly in school, you join the army.
    129. If you go to a JC and when asked, you always say your JC name immediately with the statement "then transferring to a UC (or other big school)".

    If you're a guy:

    • you try to act all hard when you're with your friends...but when you're alone- the front is gone.
    • You see some girl you think is really cute, but when your friends ask you what you think of her, you say, "She's not all that"
    • You have to go to parties in huge groups, but once you get there- you just stand there doing nothing
    • You have a really low alcohol tolerance level
    • You were once part of a "gang" or a "crew" in your youth years
    • You never smile in pictures, but give that "hey look at me, i'm the bomb"-look.
    • You smoke and/or drink and you do that sickening loogie thing out of nowhere
    • you'll try to pick up girls over the Internet.
    • you think you sing well and sing 24-7, even though you're horrible.
    • you'll have this certain "asian-guy" walk.
    • You never smile.
    • you think you're going to be some big-time gasoo or something.

    If you're a girl:
    • Everwhere you go, you look like you're ready to go clubbing
    • You wear the same exact makeup as all your friends
    • You wear the same exact clothes as all your friends
    • You have the same exact hair style as all your friends
    • You say "ya know" and "right" a lot
    • You refer to all guys at least 1 hour older than you as "oppah"
    • You have this shrilly whiny voice that goes along with "oppaaaahhh"
    • You shave off your eyebrows and just pencil two thin lines in
    • You are computer-illiterate
    • You wear 500 inch heels to compensate for you under 5 feet height
    • No matter how skinny you are, you are still on a diet
    • When you go on a date, you NEVER eat. Maybe you order a diet Coke
    • At parties, you always dance in big groups
    • You only go for guys with nice fixed-up cars
    • You own at least one pair of the black "regulation clubbing pants"
    • You're always at pool halls, even though you can't even shoot pool
    • Even when it's BUTT cold, you still seem to wear very revealing clothes
    • You get that eye surgery thing, even though it makes you look like a fish
    • Your hair is almost yellow
    • When you're with your friends who look exactly like you, you have to stare down every other asian girl that walks by
    • You smoke to lose weight
    • you worship H.O.T and idolize Kang Ta, even though secretly, you know he isn't all that. But why not? Everyone else loves him?
    • you dance the SAME way as all your friends.
    • In the early 90's, you had the "wave bangs" where they went up like 3 feet high while slowly cascading down.
    • you're obsessed with taking those 50 for $10 pictures and take them like twice a month.
    • Once you make a friend, you'll want to take those pictures with them, as if "officializing" your friendship.
    • You're DAMN superficial.
    • After your Sanrio phase, you transformed into your "Morning Glory" phase.

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