Were i writes storys!!!

<< Pick your poison.

::: just me :::
Friends + Fiends + Sex Machines
::: <3 eYe LuFfZ yEw! <3 :::
Planet: Fame
::: respeck, y0? :::
Compose your dreams
::: pretentious. angst. crap :::
Teenage Drama Queen
::: camera whoring :::
Lust, spite and malice
::: I adore//I hate :::
Say hello
::: rants, hatemail and love go here :::
Inside my head
::: read my mind :::
Run away from all your whoredom
::: escape :::

<< Gothycke Poetryes Frome a Torturede Soule

My tears fall softly, like.. softly falling rain,
I only wear black to show my inner pain.
I hate all Christians, they’re nothing but sheep,
I wear an inverted crucifix just to be unique!
I listen to Linkin Park, the epitome of goth!
Who the hell are ‘The Cure’ and ‘Bauhaus’?
My tortured soul cries out, yet no-one cares,
They mock, they laugh, they point and stare.
When I pop out to buy a pint of milk,
Dressed in a gown of antique black silk.
I sit in my darkened room and atone,
No-one understands me, I’m oh-so-alone.
My world fades to gray, a pallete of fog,
And my heart bleeds like a dismembered.. frog.
Just cause I’m different, I’m so very unique,
I shop at Hot Topic, I’m a real freak!
I’m so gothic, I’m even bi,
And I slash my arms and long to die.
It’s not teenage angst, its different for me,
I’m a manic depressant at the very least!
There’s no-one who can possibly understand how I feel,
How can life be so bad, if God is for real?

PURE parody. I know not all goths are like this, but this is taking the piss out of the minority who do write like this. It's not in any way meant to be serious or well written.

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