Engaged Soul

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¸.·¤*´¨`´¨`*¤·.¸ C h a p t e r   3 ¸.·¤*´¨`´¨`*¤·.¸
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Jaejin shook his head. “Huh?!”

“Thinking about porn?” Eunjoo snickered.

Jaejin swung at his sister who cleverly ducked out of the way.

“So...how’s it like to kiss Soowon?” his sister continued to taunt.

“I’ll make you kiss Yoonji if you don’t shut up,” Jaejin growled.

“Yoonji went to Hawaii, doofus! Besides, I think you mean Yoonji’s brother! Not her!”

“Like in a million years Seonghoon would want you.”

“I never said he’d want me. I said you can make me kiss him. I wouldn’t mind,” Eunjoo said with a shrug. “Besides, if you sat there any longer, you’d pee in your pants.”

“Remind me that’s a reason for me to disown you. Further more, I should abandon you and not send you to no orphanage. You’re too old and influential.”

Eunjoo stuck her tongue out. “Like you’re so goody goody.”


Jaejin snapped his head around, the hiss startling him. “Did you hear that?”

Eunjoo raised an amused brow. “Hear what?”

“You didn’t hear that?” Jaejin asked again.

“What?” Eunjoo repeated.

“That. It was a murmur. Somebody said ‘nuna.’”


Jaejin continued turning his head in every direction, straining his ear to hear.

“I think you’ve gone nuts. Hopefully lost.”

“Lee Jaejin...”

Eunjoo froze.


“Did you hear that?” she asked.

Jaejin stared at his sister. “Hear what?”

“Somebody said your name.”

“My name?”

Eunjoo nodded, her eyes growing wide.


Jaejin and Eunjoo glanced around Jaejin’s room, the hairs on the back of their necks standing at attention.

“Yo, man...your room’s haunted,” Eunjoo managed to squeak.

“I’m not the only one?”


“I’m not the only one that's insane in this family.”

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¸.·¤*´¨`´¨`*¤·.¸ C h a p t e r   4 ¸.·¤*´¨`´¨`*¤·.¸
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