SechsKies Productions presents : SeChsKieS GurL

"For You" by SechsKies

Here's a little 411 on me (*for you* hehehe). Since I haven't been online lately,
I haven't had much things done. =P And I lost all of those little
survey, questions, blah blah blah...ya know wuh I mean.
So, I got wuteva I found (which happens to be mah AOL profile =T)
& it's here (^_^) So enjoy~* I know yawlz wouldn't be interested,
so I kept it short & sweet (^_~)

°º° M~¡~Ñ~ä~N~å °º°


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Guyz are like Pokémon.
   "Gotta catch 'em ALL!!!"

"Thou shall not skip class. Just take the whole day off." (^_^)

"Smart is not something you'r born with. It's something you gain."

=[ email ]=

[ ]

See? Just like I promised. It was short (^_^)
Welpz, I hope yawlz enjoyed your stay here~*
If there's anything I left out (any particular thing for any section),
Email me & lemme know.
If you're bouncin now & haven't tagged up mah SechsKies FOREVER Book please do so now.
Or wheneva's cleva (^_^) hehehe...
Bookmark this site, and drop back often for updates!
It's mah tym to bounce~* LateZzZzzz~~~*