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Monasteries, Nunneries and Other Religious Sites

view Namgyal Monastery
Tsulag Khang ( Central Cathedral )
Namgyalma Stupa
Gaden Choeling Nunnery
Gaden Shartse & Jangtse
Gyuto & Gyudmed Tantric Colleges
Shugseb and Dolma Ling Nunneries
Dip Tse - Chokling Monastery
The Institue of Buddhist Dialectics
Nechung Monastery
Lhagyal-ri (Lhasoel Ground)
Tushita Retreat Centre
Buddhism is the centre of Tibetan cultural life in Dharamsala, just as it was in old Tibet, and no aspect of Tibetan life escape its influence. Though secular culture is becoming increasingly rich, many of the colourful festivals which fire the imagination of Indians and foreigners are religious in nature and derive their inspiration from Buddhism. The focus of this cultural life in Dharamsala is Namgyal Monastery, the tantric college which performs rituals with and for His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

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